Posts Tagged
bucket list
Did you know? A Saint may have visited the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

by Gail Finke Mother Frances: Sainthood to come? 1868 Mother Frances visits Cincinnati + Covington 1934 Mother Frances declared Venerable 1972 Healing of Covington,KY, resident William Anness ruled not miraculous 1974 Venerable Frances is beatified 1989 Inexplicable healing of Cincinnati resident Thomas Siemers 2008 The cause for Ven. Frances’s canonization …
Bucket List for September

This month’s Bucket List takes you to two very different places for quiet fall hikes, and to the archdiocese’s only parish founded by Lithuanian immigrants: stroll St. Joseph New Cemetery’ s 163 acres spend time in contemplative Jesuit prayer in Milford worship at an Old North Dayton parish Go: …
The Catholic Telegraph Bucket List for August

This month’s Bucket List takes you to three places created for prayer: a memorial, a former seminary filled with art and treasures, and a rural shrine: an outdoor memorial for martyred Jesuits Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center a shrine on the site of an amusement park Go: See …
July Bucket List

This month, The Catholic Telegraph Bucket List takes you to a center of Marianist spirituality and stewardship, a tiny museum hidden in our cathedral, and a parish whose members include many refugees: restored native Ohio terrain “behind the scenes” at the cathedral Mass at St. Leo Go: Visit MEEC at …
The Catholic Telegraph Bucket List for May

This month’s Bucket List will take you to the cathedral for one of the most joyous events of the year that isn’t a feast, on a pilgrimage, and to Clermont County for a special outdoor Mass: One of the biggest non-feast days of the church year A set of walking …
The Catholic Telegraph Bucket List for April

Each month The Catholic Telegraph Bucket List lists three places in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati to visit at least once in your life. So when you’re planning day trips, check here for suggestions. You can keep the Bucket List page from each issue, or download the page to print out at home using …
A Picture Says a Thousand Words: Bockfest Mass

Old St. Mary’s Church gives the neighborhood’s annual Bockfest some needed gravitas. An irreverent celebration of craft beer and German heritage, the festival gives more than a nod to the neighborhood’s past as a German Catholic enclave, as well as to the ongoing presence of Franciscan friars. But as the country’s only …
The Catholic Telegraph Bucket List for January

In the January edition of The Catholic Telegraph, we introduced a new feature called the Bucket List. This is for the great events within the Archdiocese of Cincinnati for you to attend, recommended by our readers. Here’s this month’s online version: Go: Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics 2291 …