Posts Tagged
book review
Book Review: RMPTR is an acronym worth remembering
Many men shun self-help books. In the same way that we don’t like to stop and ask for directions, all the more we don’t like to admit when we need help in a spiritual sense. That notion delayed my reading and reviewing of David N. Calvillo’s Real Men Pray …
Book Review: Good Pope, Bad Pope highlights Christ’s promise to church, role of pope
The newest book by prolific Catholic author Mike Aquilina includes the a story of a pope known for having mistresses and fathering children. The same pope, he writes, may have poisoned cardinals at his leisure and ruled Rome with an iron first. His point? The One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic …
Book Review: New catholic agenda detailed for parishes
As facilitator of my parish spiritual book club, I am always looking for books to discuss that promise to inform and inspire. Father Robert Hater’s latest book, The Parish Guide to the New Evangelization: An Action Plan for Sharing the Faith, does both.
Book Review: Pope Francis bio more than dates and names
Few Catholics following the events of the conclave that elected Pope Francis can forget the pontiff’s first public appearance. Standing above St. Peter’s Square, he addressed us as brothers and sisters, and acknowledged the surprise of many that Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio had been elected pope.
Book Review: ‘Holy Goals’ a great gift for young athletes
September 2013 If you were a resident of the Diocese of Springfield, Ill., you would be used to a rather unique sight. Your bishop, in that case, would be The Most Reverend Thomas J. Paprocki, and it wouldn’t seem strange to you to see him wearing full hockey goalie gear, …