Posts Tagged
Bonny Van
Letting Faith Lead the Way

Running a high school of 565 students is no small feat, especially when every student is a boy finding his way through his teen years. But that challenge was exactly what Aaron Marshall, principal at La Salle High School in Cincinnati, was looking for when discerning how to merge his …
Civilize It! Modeling God’s Love in Our Interactions With Others

by Bonny Van When it comes to politics, Catholic leaders are encouraging the faithful to “Civilize It!” The initiative, developed in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati four years ago, is now taking on a national audience, thanks to a plug by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Tony Stieritz, …
Forming young Missionary Disciples

by Bonny Van The Missionary Discipleship Institute (MDI) at Marian University in Indianapolis, IN, began in 2017. The one week summer program “equips high school leaders, from rising sophomores to rising seniors, to become missionary disciples in their communities through the Church,” said Patrick Verhiley, Director of MDI. “[MDI] works …
Radiating Christ: Emily Gross

With a flair for all things creative, 23-year-old Emily Gross could never have imagined that one day she would combine art and faith to help spread the message of God’s love. But that’s exactly where her heart and her art landed with her April launch of “Fruitful Creative,” an online …
Taking First Faith Steps

When it comes to sharing and teaching the Catholic faith, two minds are better than one and, in this case, two hearts are better than one. That’s because Josh and Laura Kiger have a true love for sharing their faith as they help others prepare for their own life-long Catholic …
School News: Girls Schools Unite

by Bonny Van When it comes to school competition, students put in their best efforts to help their team win. But, during the first week of May, former students from five all-girls Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati do the same in a competition off the field, called Girls’ …
Growing Numbers

Open houses, shadow days and “a very positive buzz” surrounding McNicholas High School in Cincinnati are drawing students to the school in record numbers, according to Anne Jones, director of communications and marketing at McNicholas. The school’s current enrollment of 487 has seen a steady increase over the past year …
A Growing Faith

When Deacon Dominic Vu of St. Matthias Church first noticed a few Hispanic families attending Mass at the end of 2017. He thought they were acquaintances of then-temporary pastor, Father Mike Pucke, who celebrated Mass in Spanish at St. Julie Billiart Church in Hamilton. “After Father Mike [Pucke] finished his …
The Year of St. Joseph

In March 2020, the world as we knew it came to a stop with little time to prepare. However, through faith, initial fear turned into action and acceptance of how we must change going forward. Such fear and anxiety surely gripped St. Joseph when God called him to take Mary …
Sam Wittmann: Carroll High School Student blends Faith and Art

by Bonny Van Sam Wittmann is not a typical high school junior. He’s an exceptional artist who has drawn the connection between his art and his faith, thanks to a class assignment. “The project was a study of drawing hands from life,” explained Renee Merland, chair of the visual arts …