Posts Tagged
Blessed Solanus
A Solanus Casey miracle? Man says friar visited him in hospital

by CNA Staff Denver Newsroom, Nov 8, 2021 / 16:55 pm A married father of three from the Diocese of Lansing claims that Blessed Solanus Casey, the humble Capuchin friar and priest, visited him twice in hospital and hastened what he believes to be a miraculous recovery from COVID-19. The …
Thank God ahead of time: What Blessed Solanus Casey teaches about a spirituality of gratitude

by Gretchen Siegel Detroit, Mich., Jul 30, 2021 / 15:19 pm Blessed Solanus Casey’s childhood was not easy. He contracted diphtheria that permanently damaged his voice. Casey’s family also struggled economically since he was one of sixteen children. Despite these struggles, Casey’s large Irish Catholic family instilled in him a …
How a Solanus Casey documentary, and its creator, aim to inspire

by Perry West Denver Newsroom, May 16, 2020 / 03:00 am MT (CNA).- An American documentarian says her work is the fruit of a divine calling that began with an encounter with Pope St. John Paul II. She said she hopes her films will help others grow close to Christ. …
A picture says a thousand words: Blessed Solanus

John Leyendecker, who runs the School of Faith, shared with The Catholic Telegraph some photos of the Mass for Blessed Solanus in Detroit Michigan. For the story on the Beatification of Father Solanus Casey, click here
Blessed Solanus lived out faith, hope, charity every day, says cardinal
IMAGE: CNS By DETROIT (CNS) — Blessed Solanus Casey always said that “as long as there is a spark of faith,” there can be no discouragement or sorrow, said Cardinal Angelo Amato, head of the Vatican’s Congregation for Saints’ Causes. His words were accompanied by “the concrete practice of faith, …