Posts Tagged
Blessed Mother
The fascinating history of the feast of Mary’s assumption

By CNA Staff Washington D.C., Aug 15, 2023 / 02:30 am On Aug. 15, Catholics around the world mark the solemnity of the Assumption of Mary, commemorating the end of her earthly life and assumption into heaven. But while the feast day is a relatively new one, the history of the …
Was Mary Ever-Virgin?

Do Catholics believe that Mary remained a virgin her entire life? Did she have children other than Jesus? I have non- Catholic friends who say the Bible mentions Jesus’ siblings. The Scriptures and tradition convey information on Mary that help us understand the details of her life and her importance …
Mary: A Model of Joy in Suffering

Whenever I think of Mary’s joy, I’m instantly reminded of the Joyful Mysteries: the Annunciation, Visitation, Birth of Jesus, Presentation in the Temple and Finding Jesus in the Temple. As I meditated on these events, however, I noticed a pattern: her joyful moments were also surrounded by suffering. This is, …
Mary in TWO Minutes

What’s the big deal with Catholics and the Virgin Mary? Do they worship her or just pray to her? What’s the Annunciation? What’s the Immaculate Conception? What’s the Assumption? Note: Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.
Mary, Cincy, and an Immortal Phrase

Purcell Alumni Roger Staubach originated “Hail Mary” pass In 1975, a devout Catholic athlete from Cincinnati and the Mother of Christ connected on the gridiron. Roger Staubach, star Dallas Cowboys quarterback and Cincinnati Purcell High School graduate, was 50 yards from pay-dirt with 24 seconds to play in a National …
The Virgin and the national soccer team give hope to Argentines, priest says

By CNA Staff ACI Prensa Staff, Jan 6, 2023 / 17:00 pm The World Cup won by the Argentine soccer team arrived Wednesday at the Basilica of Our Lady of Luján as a way of thanking the Virgin for the team winning the world championship. The rector of the basilica, Father …
Jewish actor converts to Catholicism: the Virgin Mary ‘is my most beautiful love’

by CNA Staff CNA Newsroom, Nov 10, 2022 / 16:00 pm The famous Jewish actor and humorist Gad Elmaleh, beloved in France, announced his conversion to the Catholic faith, a process in which he says the Virgin Mary played a crucial role. Elmaleh, 51, was the partner of Charlotte Casiraghi, …
8 things Vatican II says about the Blessed Virgin Mary

by Katie Yoder Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Oct 17, 2022 / 10:00 am Nearly 60 years ago, Vatican II recognized several titles of the Blessed Virgin Mary. But it focused on one in particular: “Mother.” On Oct. 11, the Catholic Church marked the 60th anniversary of the opening of the Second …
October 12 Nuestra Senora del Pilar (Our Lady of the Pillar)

The first Marian apparition in history appeared to Saint James the Apostle, the brother of Saint John the Evangelist, on the bank of the river Ebro in Saragossa, Spain. Unlike every other recorded apparition, this one took place during the earthly life of the Mother of God. According to tradition, …
How to honor Our Lady in your baby’s name for the feast of the Holy Name of Mary

by Edie Heipel Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Sep 12, 2022 / 09:30 am Every year on Sept. 12 since 1683, the Catholic Church has celebrated the feast of the Holy Name of Mary. Officially instituted as a feast day for the universal Church by Pope Innocent XI, the celebration dates back to the …