Posts Tagged
Bishop Thomas J . Paprocki
Bishop Paprocki explores link between physical and spiritual fitness in new book

by Jonah McKeown Denver Newsroom, Apr 5, 2021 / 04:16 am MT (CNA).- Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois doesn’t generally introduce himself as a runner. His first love is hockey, which, at nearly 70 years old, he still plays regularly. He even coaches the goalkeepers at a local Catholic …
Bishop Paprocki: Examining conscience before communion is essential

by Jonah McKeown Denver Newsroom, Mar 26, 2021 / 03:12 am MT (CNA).- Amid the debate about whether Catholic public figures who support abortion should be permitted to receive Holy Communion, Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois said this week that the most important factor is a personal examination of …
Bishop Paprocki: We must weigh cost of ‘extraordinary’ shutdowns

By Carl Bunderson Denver Newsroom, Sep 24, 2020 / 02:01 pm MT (CNA).- In an essay published this month, Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield in Illinois argued that months-long lockdowns in response to the coronavirus are an extraordinary means of saving life, and are therefore not morally obligatory and should …
Some Illinois dioceses permit reception of Communion on tongue

NA Staff, Sep 8, 2020 / 02:01 pm MT (CNA).- The Bishop of Peoria last week permitted priests in his diocese to distribute Communion on the tongue, as the Archdiocese of Chicago and the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois have been doing. “While…I still encourage the faithful to receive Holy …
Bishop Paprocki draws large crowd at Athenaeum
By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph More than 400 people braved a small group of placard-carrying protesters and snow-clogged parking lots to hear Bishop Thomas Paprocki speak on the Catholic teachings on marriage and same-sex relationships Feb. 12 in the Bartlet Center at the Athenaeum. Bishop Paprocki, leader of the …
Bishop Paprocki to visit Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Staff Report One of the most talked about topics of the day — same-sex marriage — is the focus of the Feb. 12 LeBlond Series lecture at The Athenaeum of Ohio/Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West. Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki, of the Diocese of Springfield, Ill., will present “Marriage, …
Book Review: ‘Holy Goals’ a great gift for young athletes
September 2013 If you were a resident of the Diocese of Springfield, Ill., you would be used to a rather unique sight. Your bishop, in that case, would be The Most Reverend Thomas J. Paprocki, and it wouldn’t seem strange to you to see him wearing full hockey goalie gear, …