Posts Tagged
Bishop Purcell
Throwback Thursday: National Dear Diary Day

by Sarah Patterson “Dear Diary Day” isn’t exactly a well known holiday, celebrated, or even known without a google search of “odd holidays.” But, celebrated today, September 22, this gives us a chance to highlight two diaries in the Archives, and both belonging to two good friends. The first diary …
Bridgetown parish celebrates 150th anniversary

Shortly after the end of the Civil War, the predominantly German farmers who populated what is today Hamilton County’s Green Township, tired of the weekly trek to Mass at Our Lady of Victory Parish in Delhi Township or St. James in White Oak. “Back in that time, it was still …
Throwback Thursday: Catholics fight for conscience rights in 1853

The ongoing legal disputes between the federal government and Little Sisters of the Poor and other Catholic groups opposed to providing contraceptives as part of their health insurance plans isn’t unique in American, or even local history. According to the book Faith and Action: A History of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, …
Wanted: a parish family for the cathedral

September 2013 By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph The Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains is an “historic, majestic, architectural masterpiece of a worship space,” according Father Barry Windholtz, pastor. While it is the home of the cathedra, the archbishop’s chair, it needs the one thing every other church in …