Posts Tagged
Bishop Joseph Binzer
Bishop Joseph R. Binzer Resigns as Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

In late April, Bishop Joseph Binzer offered his resignation to the Holy See from his office as Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. His Holiness Pope Francis has accepted Bishop Binzer’s resignation, which is effective today. Bishop Binzer was previously removed as the Director of Priests’ Personnel after he …
Ordination: Largest class in 40 years ordained priests May 18, 2019

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati joyfully celebrated the largest class of priests being ordained in 40 years. A full cathedral was on hand as the men were ordained to the priesthood for service to God and the Church. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr celebrated the Mass. Bishop Joseph R. Binzer concelebrated the …
Archbishop Responds to Father Drew Being Placed on Leave of Absence (Updated August 29, 2019)

Updated August 29, 2019: During the weekend of July 27-28 it was announced at Masses that Father Geoff Drew, pastor of St. Ignatius Parish in Cincinnati, is on administrative leave. No further details were provided, which left many feeling frustrated. On Monday, July 29, parishioners attended a meeting at St. …
Photo Essay: Our Lady of the Pilar Spain

According to ancient local tradition, soon after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, Saint James was preaching the Gospel in Spain, but was disheartened because of the failure of his mission. Tradition holds that on 2 January 40 AD, while he was deep in prayer by the banks of the …
Rural Urban Farm Mass 2019

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s Catholic Rural Life of St. Marys and Sidney Deaneries honored Catholic families who have farmed and nurtured the same land for 100 years or more. Recipients of these awards were honored at the 2019 Rural-Urban Mass on July 18. Bishop Joseph Binzer celebrated Mass. This year …
Photo Essay and Video: Official photos and video of the 2019 Priest Ordination

Official Video of the Priest Ordination Official Photos of the Priest Ordination
Today’s Video: Making a Difference, St. Xavier Church celebrates 200 years.

Today’s video looks back at Sunday, May 19 as St. Francis Xavier Church celebrated their 200th Anniversary as a Catholic Community. This is a reprint from Father Patrick Fairbanks, S. J. A JUBILEE is a time to Recall, to Remember and to Relive God’s grace and blessings in one’s life …
Today’s Video: A quick look at Ordination 2019 in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati joyfully celebrated the largest class of priests being ordained in 40 years. They are, Father Alex Biryomumeisho, Father Mark Bredestege, Father Zach Cecil, Father Christian Cone-Lombarte, Father Ambrose Dobrozsi, Father Andrew Hess, Father Elias Mwesigye, Father Jeff Stegbauer and Father Jedidiah Tritle. Check back later this …
Today’s Video: Saying goodbye to April with a look at Holy Week in the Archdiocese

A pictorial of Holy Week in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, accompanied by the Choir and Orchestra of the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains singing Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus.
Opening Day: The Archdiocese of Cincinnati in the Findlay Market Parade

The Cincinnati Reds were the 1st Major League Baseball team in 1869. Celebrating 150 years, the Archdiocesan Central Offices, Mascots from our Catholic High Schools, and the Drum Line from Purcell Marian High School marched in the 100th Findlay Market Opening Day Parade. In 1869, Archbishop John Baptist Purcell led …