Posts Tagged
Bishop Frank Caggiano
Connecticut priest named rector of North American College seminary in Rome

by Hannah Brockhaus Rome, Italy, Mar 30, 2022 / 05:53 am The Vatican has appointed Connecticut priest Msgr. Thomas W. Powers as the next rector of the Pontifical North American College seminary (NAC) in Rome. Powers, a priest of the Diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut, was formerly a student of the NAC, …
More bishops issue statements on Latin Mass, following papal document

by Matt Hadro Washington D.C., Jul 19, 2021 / 17:02 pm More U.S. bishops have issued guidance on the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass in their dioceses, following a papal document that on Friday imposed restrictions on the use of traditional liturgy. Archbishop Samuel Aquila of Denver, in a …
Bishop announces launch of new catechetical institute

by Joe Bukuras Washington D.C., Jun 18, 2021 / 17:01 pm In a presentation to fellow U.S. bishops on Friday, Bishop Frank Caggiano of Bridgeport unveiled a proposal for a new institute on the Catechism. Bishop Caggiano said the institute would not be a physical building or a single event, …
Bridgeport bishop: Wear a physical mask, but let spiritual masks fall

CNA Staff, Oct 7, 2020 / 12:43 am MT (CNA).- While wearing physical masks may protect the lives of others during a pandemic, there is another type of mask – an invisible, spiritual mask – that hides us from our responsibility as a Christians, warned Bishop Frank Caggiano of Bridgeport. …
A Renewed Call for Our Day, Statement of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on International Justice and Peace on the 75th Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

July 13, 2020 August 6 and 9 mark the 75th anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the first, and one hopes the last, times that atomic weapons are employed in war. Since Pope St. John Paul II’s visit to Japan in 1981, each year the Catholic Church in …
Recap: Proclaim day No. 1 (Photos added)

Staff Report DAYTON — More than 1,000 Catholics registered to attend the two-day convocation for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati entitled, “Proclaim: Equipping Disciples for a New Missionary Age.” See Photo Gallery Below The exact attendance wasn’t available at the conclusion of day one, Oct. 6, but the opening Mass, lunch …