Posts Tagged
Bishop Edward Fenwick
Archbishops at the Cathedral Part I

A cathedral is the home church for the bishop or archbishop of a Catholic diocese, and those appointed to these roles are often referred to as shepherds, for they are modeled after Jesus the Good Shepherd and the local faithful are entrusted to their care. BISHOP EDWARD D. FENWICK, OP …
Art at the Cathedral

With its striking single spire that towers over downtown Cincinnati, the Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains stands as a testament to the faith of local Catholics, both past and present, and is truly an architectural treasure. Its exterior and grounds feature compelling images before one even enters. A …
An interview with the Diocese’s First Bishop: Bishop Edward Fenwick

Bishop Fenwick, how did you feel when you were ordained Bishop of Cincinnati? A dept of unspeakable gratitude calls me to the feet of the Most Holy Father at this time. While I am at a loss for words, Most Eminent Father and Patron, do you supply by reason of …
Archdiocese of Cincinnati Bicentennial: a new diocese for Ohio

by Sarah Ater “Since my arrival in this country, I wrote you, satisfied that every exertion would be made to establish a church in this part of the country, as it has been and is my greatest expectation in coming here…There are of our profession [of faith] in this place …
Missionaries in the Vineyard

In 1833 the Diocese of Cincinnati encompassed the entire state of Ohio. Bishop Fenwick did what he could to minister to the French and Native American Catholics located 500 miles north of Cincinnati. But Catholics were scattered throughout the state and infrequently visited by a priest. Missionary efforts in the …
Today’s Video: The Catholic Telegraph Magazine

The Catholic Telegraph: We’re Changing With You Introducing The Catholic Telegraph Magazine
Seek the Lord by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

Later this month, more than 40,000 students will begin a new school year at the 110 Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. That simply could not happen without the generous support of thousands of people. Most obviously, many parents must sacrifice to pay for their children’s tuition because they …
Throwback Thursday: The CT is 184 today; Here’s why we were founded

Staff Report Today (Oct. 22, 2015) marks 184 years since the founding of The Catholic Telegraph newspaper by Bishop Edward Fenwick and the staff is proud to continue the tradition of bringing you news and commentary from a Catholic perspective. The following editorial, for lack of a better word, is long …