Posts Tagged
Bishop Christopher J. Coyne
Pope Francis blessed ‘pallia’ at Mass on Sts. Peter and Paul’s feast day

By Kristina Millare Rome Newsroom, Jun 28, 2024 / 16:40 pm Pope Francis blessed vestments known as “pallia” during Mass on the solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican on Saturday, June 29. Each blessed pallium — bands made of white wool adorned with six …
Eucharistic pilgrimage brings Christ to the world

by Sister Constance Veit, lsp During Pentecost weekend I participated in an historic event in New Haven, Connecticut. I was not there to take part in another protest at Yale University, or even to attend any of the graduation ceremonies taking place there. Instead, I joined hundreds of other Catholics …
Pope Francis names Bishop Coyne as new coadjutor archbishop of Hartford

By Courtney Mares Vatican City, Jun 26, 2023 / 04:40 am Pope Francis appointed Bishop Christopher Coyne as a coadjutor archbishop of Hartford on Monday. As coadjutor, Coyne will assist Archbishop Leonard Blair in the administration of the Hartford Archdiocese and should succeed him as archbishop upon his retirement, expected once …
Pope Francis names Bishop Coyne as new coadjutor archbishop of Hartford

By Courtney Mares Vatican City, Jun 26, 2023 / 04:40 am Pope Francis appointedas a coadjutor archbishop of Hartford on Monday. As coadjutor, Coyne will assist Archbishop Leonard Blair in the administration of the Hartford Archdiocese and should succeed him as archbishop upon his retirement, expected once Blair turns 75 next …
Seal of Confession under attack? Delaware, Vermont bills draw Catholic criticism

By Kevin J. Jones Denver, Colo., Mar 9, 2023 / 09:30 am Two state legislatures are considering ending any legal protections for a priest who learns about sexual abuse in the confessional. In response, Catholic leaders warned that the laws are unconstitutional, put priests in legal jeopardy, and endanger confidentiality with …
‘We weep with Jesus’: Catholic bishops lament pro-abortion ballot victories

by Kevin J. Jones Denver, Colo., Nov 11, 2022 / 08:00 am As pro-abortion measures won on state ballots and pro-life measures faced defeat, Catholic bishops responded to election results with profound disappointment. They professed resolve to continue to work to defend unborn human life and support pregnant women in …
Vermont diocese sees record-low number of priests

by Joe Bukuras Washington D.C., Jul 6, 2021 / 11:30 am The Diocese of Burlington has reported a record-low number of priests this year, with only 50 diocesan priests ministering to the entire state of Vermont. “The drop of eight [priests] in one year caught us off guard, but we …
Bishop Coyne of Indianapolis picked to head Vermont diocese
CNA/EWTN News Auxiliary Bishop Christopher J. Coyne of Indianapolis has been chosen by Pope Francis to be the next bishop of Burlington, Vermont, announced the Vatican Dec. 22. In a Dec. 22 statement, Bishop Coyne voiced joy and thanked the Holy Father for his trust. He told the people of …