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Deck the halls and make some spiritual resolutions

The future looms as we near the end of another trip around the sun. And while it is deck the halls time, it also behooves us to look at the year ahead. Prepping for the celebration of Christ’s birth, we should ask ourselves how we’re going to build our spiritual …
Why know the Ten Commandments?

Instructions for a life of love This column first appeared in our July, 2018 print edition It started out quite innocently. I was giving a talk to seventh-grade confirmation students and their parents at a parish. I was speaking about knowing your Catholic faith and sharing it with your child. …
In sight of the nation’s capitol, a massive Bible museum underway
By Matthew Hadro CNA/EWTN News Washington D.C. — A vast Bible museum is currently under construction in Washington, D.C. and has had strong support since its beginning phases from the Vatican, officials for the project revealed last week. “When we introduced the Museum of the Bible, the first place we …
‘Bible’ miniseries aims to make ’emotional connection’ with audience
By Mark Pattison Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) — It took the combined clout of an actress best known for playing an angel and her big-ratings executive-producer husband, but Roma Downey and Mark Burnett have pulled off the making of a 10-hour miniseries, “The Bible,” that gets its premiere Sunday, …