Posts Tagged
Being Pro Life
Trump declares Jan. 22 ‘National Sanctity of Human Life Day’

Washington D.C., Jan 21, 2020 / 04:18 pm (CNA).- President Donald Trump declared Jan. 22 to be National Sanctity of Human Life Day, in a proclamation signed Monday. “On National Sanctity of Human Life Day, our Nation proudly and strongly reaffirms our commitment to protect the precious gift of life …
Being Pro-Life: Mental Illness: It’s More Common Than You Think by Bob Wurzelbacher

Gail and Scott have a son who started exhibiting difficult behaviors by the age of three. As he grew, he showed an assortment of extreme issues such as defiance, agitation, high anxiety and even delusions. Getting him to attend school and do homework became increasingly difficult, and ultimately he was …
Being Pro-Life: Palliative Care: It’s Not Just for End of Life

Jill’s mother was living a full life with Parkinson’s disease for 20 years, until she recently developed much worse symptoms, including dementia. She began seeing a memory care specialist and was prescribed medication, but that seemed to make her dementia worse. She also started showing signs of serious gastrointestinal distress, …
Erie diocese opens sainthood cause of lay educator, advocate for those with disabilities

By Mary Farrow Erie, Pa., Dec 20, 2019 / 03:45 pm (CNA).- When Dr. Gertrude Barber became the assistant superintendent of the Erie School District in Pennsylvania, the standard practice for educating children with disabilities and special needs was to institutionalize them. This did not sit well with Barber, who …
Ohio legislator didn’t consult with doctors before crafting bill on ectopic pregnancy

By Jonah McKeown Columbus, Ohio, Dec 17, 2019 / 06:01 pm (CNA).- An Ohio state representative told the Cincinnati Enquirer Dec. 17 that he did not consult with doctors before crafting a bill that would allow insurance providers to pay for procedures to “reimplant” embryos removed from ectopic pregnancies – …
Supreme Court denies appeal of Kentucky ultrasound law

Washington D.C., Dec 9, 2019 / 09:35 am (CNA).- Kentucky’s ultrasound requirement for abortions survived an appeal to the Supreme Court on Monday as the justices declined to take up a challenge to the law. Kentucky’s law, “The Ultrasound Informed Consent Act,” requires abortion doctors to present and describe an …
Ohio Senate passes two pro-life laws despite legal challenges

By Christine Rousselle Columbus, Ohio, Nov 7, 2019 / 02:00 pm (CNA).- Ohio lawmakers have passed two pieces of new pro-life legislation while court battles challenging earlier pro-life laws continue. On Wednesday, the Ohio Senate passed Senate Bill 155 by a vote of 22-10. The bill would require doctors to …
Being Pro-Life: Foster Care: The Need is Great

By the time Jaymin was 12, he had lived in more places with more people than one can easily count – and all of them were drug users. The police finally caught up with his mother and her boyfriend, who were using heroin and neglecting their children, so Jaymin and his …
Being Pro-Life: Understanding and Combating Domestic Violence

Gloria was 4 when her father first started physically abusing her. As a young child she often hid in her closet, afraid she might die, feeling like she was a bad person. She learned not to fight back or cry or scream too much, knowing if she did, the beatings …
Being Pro-Life: Getting a Second Chance at Life: Abortion Pill Reversal

Sarah was pregnant with her fourth child at age 26. A single mom with no support from the father, she reluctantly scheduled an appointment for an abortion. She was given two pills. She took the first pill while in tears, and was advised to take the second one 24 hours …