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Being Pro Life

Lyle is Catholic and attends Mass each week. He is pursuing a Bachelor of Specialized Studies degree through Ohio University. Several magazines have published his writing, and he recently co-authored his first book. He is surrounded by several friends who have taught him the value of patience and mercy. The …

  Cindi gave birth to a boy with Down’s Syndrome. She decided early on she would never fight with the Church about her son being included in his faith community. As it turned out, there were 5 Catholic churches in her community. When he was old enough to start religious …

CNA Staff, Apr 30, 2020 / 09:30 am MT (CNA).- More than 130 members of Congress are asking the Supreme Court to allow states to defund Planned Parenthood. In an amicus brief filed at the Supreme Court on Wednesday, 108 representatives and 29 senators argued that states should have the …

by Matt Hadro Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Apr 22, 2020 / 03:30 pm MT (CNA).- A federal appeals court on Wednesday allowed a state order halting elective surgical abortions in Arkansas to go into effect. The measure was put in place to conserve medical resources during the coronavirus pandemic. A three-judge …

There is absolutely no reason why a vaccine for COVID-19 should be connected to abortion. But that is exactly what may happen in the coming months. Among the dozens of vaccines currently in development, some are being produced using old cell lines that were created from the cells of aborted …

In 2012, Hurricane Sandy was hitting New York City, and Bellevue Hospital was facing the failure of their main generators. Left with only six working power outlets for 50 patients in intensive care, the medical director had to make decisions she never wanted to make. Which of the 50 would …

Last month I shared information about obstacles respect life leaders face across the globe. You can watch the videos or listen to the podcasts to hear their stories click here Religious Freedom Most glaring to me was how much more religious freedom there is in the U.S. than in other …

A few months ago I was contacted by a man in active pro-life ministry in Hong Kong who regularly listens to my “Being Pro-Life” podcast and offered to participate in it. I was intrigued by the idea of what the big pro-life issues are across the world, so I went …

40 Days for Life
A man was praying outside an abortion facility when a woman walked into the clinic. Not long after, she walked back out and right up to him. She said, “Excuse me, but I just wanted to thank you. I asked God for a sign this morning on whether or not …

Pro-life demonstrators. Credit: Jonah McKeown/CNA
Washington D.C., Jan 22, 2020 / 03:06 pm (CNA).- While lamenting the anniversaries of the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decisions that mandate legal abortion nationwide, the U.S. bishops announced the launch of a project that aims to mobilize Catholic parishes to help pregnant women in need. “January 22 marks the …