Posts Tagged
Being Catholic
Can a Catholic attend a same-sex wedding?

By David Ramos Puebla, Mexico, Feb 11, 2025 / 07:00 am Being invited to the wedding of a family member or friend is often a cause for joy, but for many Catholics, being invited to a same-sex wedding can precipitate a deep internal conflict. How can one reconcile loyalty to family …
Why Christians Shouldn’t Cancel People

How should a Christian react to “cancel culture”? Chances are that if you’ve been on social media or listened to the news in the past year, you’ve heard of “cancel culture.” Cancel culture is that practice of boycotting a person or group of people because of controversial actions or opinions. …
Pray a Minute

by Dominick Albano The pious will tell you there is nothing more powerful than prayer, while the agitator will scoff and say, “You pray and I’ll actually go do something.” The meaning behind the jab is clear: To some, there is no power in prayer. For others, belief in the …