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‘Stir’ brings Catholic connection to Reds’ Opening Day, an evangelization outreach site sponsored by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, frequently shares timely and engaging content. With April 4 being Opening Day for the Cincinnati Reds, they’ve shared a blog post titled “A Spiritual Reflection for the Cincinnati Reds Opening Day.” Thousands of people will come together on Opening Day …
Throwback Thursday: Just keep slugging

Despite snow today in some parts of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, there are signs of spring on the horizon. Lent is in full swing en route to Easter, the weather is slowly beginning to warm, and baseball is back on the radar. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati is home to the …
Chaminade Julienne benefits from All-Star game in Cincinnati

Staff Report As part of the lead-up to tonight’s All-Star game, the Cincinnati Reds Community Fund and Major League Baseball decided to renovate nine tri-state area baseball facilities and one of the chosen few was Howell Field — home of the Chaminade Julienne Eagles. The projects are part of MLB’s …
Former major league player shares baseball skills, deep faith at camp

By Jean Parietti Catholic News Service KENT, Wash. — After Anthony Adams received a baseball-bead rosary at Mike Sweeney Catholic Baseball Camp, he posted a photo of it on Instagram. “Like it if you love God and you like my baseball rosary,” the 12-year-old wrote.
St. Ann Cincinnati Reds event unique among parishes

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Parishes in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati host a wide array of social events. From picnics to festivals, there’s plenty in common and many parishes take advantage of a shared love throughout southwestern Ohio — Cincinnati Reds baseball.
Perfection possible, but not on our own
August 2013 I don’t know what time it was on July 2 that Cincinnati Reds pitcher Homer Bailey walked San Francisco Giant’s center fielder Gregor Blanco, but I knew it was coming. My sister, Karyn, and I jinxed it. The walk came in the seventh inning. Bailey was on fire. …
On ‘The Mighty Casey,’ and the renewal of a new papacy
“The outlook wasn’t brilliant for the Mudville nine that day: The score stood four to two, with but one inning more to play.” Just about any baseball fan or English major is familiar with those famous lines from the Ernest Lawrence Thayer poem Casey at the Bat. The poem resonated …