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Validity of Baptism

The priest who baptized me has left active ministry and no longer functions as a priest. Does that invalidate my baptism? Early in its history, the Church struggled with the question of whether a sacrament’s validity was impacted by the minister’s personal faith, devotion or moral state. Some argued that …
Godparent Guide

Requirements to be a Catholic Godparent: “Each child may have a godfather and a godmother, the word ‘godparents’ is used in the rite to describe both.” (Rite of Baptism for Children 6) Only one godparent is necessary. The godparent must be a fully initiated Catholic (Baptized, Confirmed, received Eucharist), at …
40 Baptisms

by Rebekah Davidson On Dec. 15, 2024, Deacon Kevin LeMelle celebrated his 40th administration of baptism since being ordained a transitional deacon on April 27, 2024. The baptism took place at St. Brigid Church in Xenia, where he served his internship. “I was praying leading up to my ordination, and …
When does Christmas actually end?

by Christine Rousselle Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jan 5, 2022 / 17:00 pm How many days is Christmas? When should you finally take those lights off the porch, or remove the tree? Read on for some of the arguments for and against commonly agreed-upon end dates for Christmas. Christmas is one day This, …
So You’re a Brand New Godparent? Now What?

by Katie Sciba Congratulations! You’re a brand new godparent to a brand-new Catholic! From here on out, you have a duty to nurture and cultivate the Catholic faith in the heart of your godchild. It’s a big undertaking and can be one of the most significant roles you’ll ever have! …
Vatican doctrine office: Transgender-identifying people can be baptized, witness marriages

By Hannah Brockhaus Rome Newsroom, Nov 8, 2023 / 14:25 pm The Vatican’s doctrine office has said an adult who identifies as transgender can receive the sacrament of baptism under the same conditions as any adult, as long as there is no risk of causing scandal or confusion to other Catholics. …
‘The Phenomenon’ is baptized at age 46: Soccer great Ronaldo Nazario embraces Catholic faith

By Diego Lopez Marina ACI Prensa Staff, Sep 13, 2023 / 14:15 pm Tuesday was a special day for Ronaldo Luís Nazario da Lima, the Brazilian and world soccer legend nicknamed “O Fenômeno” (“The Phenomenon”), who at the age of 46 took a significant step in his life of faith by …
The Baptism of John

The Scriptures speak about the “baptism of John,” which seems different from Christian baptism. After baptizing Jesus, did John the Baptist continue to baptize, and if so, did he begin to baptize in Jesus’s name? The Acts of the Apostles speak several times about John baptizing people: the “baptism of …
Baptism Without Godparents?

Are godparents necessary for baptism? If so, what are the requirements for godparents, and what does the Church expect of them? During the COVID-19 pandemic, when person-to-person interactions were limited, many infant baptisms were held in private—some with only the parents, the child and the minister. Though preferred, baptismal sponsors …
Invalid baptisms: A Catholic explainer about the facts and the fears

by Kevin J. Jones Denver Newsroom, Feb 11, 2022 / 17:19 pm Baptism involves a simple formula: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” The celebrant pours water on the head of the baptized, or immerses them in water. Usually, Catholic clergy …