Posts Tagged
back to school
Forming students to be servants begins in Catholic School

If you looked in St. Gertrude School’s windows on their service day last year, you would have seen elementary students bustling about the room, creating welcome cards to Afghan refugees. The reason? A partnership between Catholic schools and Catholic Charities of Southwestern Ohio (CCSWO). Mary Anne Bressler is the Parish …
Global, Creative, Immersive Learning

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary’s definition of “immerse” is: “to plunge into something that surrounds or covers.” Students at St. Ursula Academy (SUA) see immersing themselves into local, regional and international communities as building on the holistic educational experience each student receives at the school. “As a school community, we have a …
Tanzania Inspires Teaching

BY PATRICIA MCGEEVER An Ohio teacher is changing the lives of students on two continents. A math teacher at DePaul Cristo Rey High School (DPCR) in Cincinnati, Julie Rentz also runs a sponsorship program for students more than 8,000 miles away—in the east African nation of Tanzania. Her interest there …
Seek the Lord for August 2023

We have all heard the phrase, “It takes a village to raise a child”—and for good reason. Over the millennia, members of a given community have assisted each other in the formation and development of their youth to ensure that each learns the skills necessary to contribute to the common …
Finding the Extraordinary

School follows its own comfortable rhythm. It begins with the new school year in August— packed full of excitement for buying new school supplies and backpacks, followed by the rush of meeting new teachers and learning which friends will be in a student’s class. But as the students, parents and …
Back-to-school in Uvalde means Catholic school scholarships for hurting families

by Kevin J. Jones Denver Newsroom, Aug 18, 2022 / 12:00 pm The school shooting that rocked Uvalde, Texas continues to affect young children and their families. As these families try to recover, a Catholic charity with a longtime link to the area has funded 30 scholarships so that students …
Education for the Common Good

Over the past few years, there have been contentious public arguments over who has authority to educate children and what should be included (or excluded) from the curriculum. Many politicians and pundits declared that parents should have little or no input into curriculum decisions and proposed learning outcomes. For example, …
Seek the Lord for August 2022

Growing up has always had its difficulties, but young people today face a particularly challenging environment in our country–rising violence, such as riots and horrific school shootings; civil discourse that is increasingly uncivil; and a secularist culture that continues to push faith to the margins as weekly religious practice declines. …
Liturgy Enriches School

It’s no wonder Catholic schools offer Mass to their students, for in it is found the Eucharist, the source and summit of the Catholic faith. With Mass as the center of Catholic worship, Church tradition also offers a myriad of devotions and methods of prayer. St. Columban Catholic School in …
Role Models of Faith

Who are role models? Dictionaries say they are people others look up to as positive examples. Most of us can name at least one person we identify as a role model in our life. This is true for McNicholas High School theology teachers, Jeff Hutchinson-Smyth and Mary Beth Sandmann. Alumni …