Posts Tagged
August 2021 Edition
A Question of Faith: When is Marriage A Sacrament

As part of marriage preparation, the priest informed us only a marriage between two baptized persons is a sacrament. Since my fiancé is not baptized, how will the Church view our marriage? Catholics exult marriage, believing God is its author. Marriage is meant to be a covenant between two baptized …
What Catholic School Taught Me

My siblings have long joked that I am a teacher’s pet. To make their case, they need only to point out that my favorite day of every summer as a child was school supply shopping. While my three siblings groaned and grudgingly filled the cart with the required items, I …
Asking for Help

“So what do you think you can do before our next session that would help your relationship?” I stared blankly at our therapist. My husband and I had just spent the last hour revealing pains and sores in our marriage. She had already asked Andrew this question and now turned …
Calculating the Future

Calculating the Future CISE Partners with Hamilton County Educational Services to Design Math Curriculum and Give Schools a Boost by Eileen Connelly, OSU Ask Kal’el, a sixth grader at Corryville Catholic School, how he feels about math, and he cheerfully responds, “I like studying it and solving problems.” That wasn’t …
Making Catholic Memories: St. Bernard Honey Lavender Cupcakes

My grandfather was well known in his small town. He was a farmer, a veteran WWII officer and a bus driver. There wasn’t a student in the Marion Local School District who didn’t know Bernard “Ben” Droesch. He had a gruff exterior and was known for his choice of words …
Empowering Future Leaders

“It’s much more than old-fashioned computers.” Principal Carolyn Murphy with St. Michael the Archangel School described perfectly how technology has evolved across schools in the archdiocese over the past several years. What may have been a computer lab or media space in schools 10, five or even two years ago …
Where’s the Line?

“No! I don’t want to go to Disney World! I just want to stay home and have screen time!” My wife and I often feel like we are failing as parents. The house isn’t clean enough. The meals aren’t healthy enough. We don’t spend enough quality time with the kids. …
Seize the Moment: A Christian Life of Biblical Proportions

There are many falls on a pilgrimage. No one teaches us this more poignantly than Jesus. His humanity was on full display when He fell three times under the weight of the Cross on His way to be crucified. It’s both alarming and relatable to see the God-man fall and …
Rwandan Student Found Sanctuary in Dayton Catholic Schools

You never know where God will lead you. For Fanuel Uwishimwe, it was a journey from Kigali, Rwanda, to the football field at Carroll High School, from which he was graduated in May. He made the journey from the East-Central African country to Dayton with family members in 2009 at …
Did you Know? St. Antoninus

St. Antoninus in Green Township has a relic chapel also used for Eucharistic Adoration. About 100 relics are displayed on shelves, as well as a painting of the infant Christ and the Virgin Mary. Included among the relics is an amice that was once part of the vestments on the …