Posts Tagged
Athenaeum of Ohio
Corpus Christi Procession at Guardian Angels

By tradition, Catholics take part in a Corpus Christi procession following mass, through the streets of a neighborhood near their parish, and pray and sing during the passage. The Eucharist, known as the Blessed Sacrament, is placed in a monstrance and is held aloft by a member of the clergy …
A picture says a thousand words: Ceremonial First Pitch

Deacon Dave Shea (Immaculate Heart of Mary) threw out the ceremonial first pitch for the Reds this week to mark his retirement from The Athenaeum of Ohio, where he taught for 15 years. His grandson Aiden McCracken was the ceremonial catcher and his grandson Liam McCracken got to say “Play …
God’s Mechanics: The Religious Life of Techies

Athenaeum of Ohio – Brother Guy delivered his lecture to 275 people, including Athenaeum seminarians, faculty and staff, Frassati Fellowship young adults, Cincinnati Astronomical Society members and Sisters of Notre Dame. He told the group that the Church has always supported scientific study. He said, “Studying science is an act …
Auditions for The Athenaeum Chorale to be held

The Athenaeum Chorale is holding auditions for the Spring 2017 . All singers over 18 years of age are welcome to audition. Spots for all voice parts are available. The Chorale sings for approximately eight liturgical events per year, most of which occur in the Athenaeum’s Chapel of St. Gregory …
“God’s Mechanics: The Religious Life of Techies”

The Athenauem of Ohio presents Brother Guy Consolmagno, S.J., Director of the Vatican Observatory, to speak on “God’s Mechanics: The Religious Life of Techies” on Wednesday, February 8 at 7:30 p.m. in the Bartlett Pastoral Center at the Athenaeum of Ohio. How does religion work in a society shaped by …
Athenaeum of Ohio Cincinnati Gives Challenge update

As Christmas approaches and time with family begins. Think about others who may be able to help us to serve our future priests, deacons, and lay pastoral ministers. You can share this opportunity with all of your friends, family and parishioners. The Athenauem of Ohio is just outside of third …
Athenauem News: Eleven Admitted to Candidacy for Holy Orders

Eleven men publically declared their commitment to a program of formation for service to God and to the Catholic Church as priests on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Catholic Church, through Bishop Joseph Binzer, publically accepted the aspirants into the ranks of the …
The Athenauem Cincinnati Gives Challenge Update

The Athenauem of Ohio is involved with the Cincinnati Gives Challenge, a friendly fundraising competition raising money for local nonprofit organizations. Right now they are in the Number 3 Spot. As of 9:15 a.m. on December 5 the gap is widening between second and third place and The Athenauem is …
Twenty Five Move Forward in Rite of Candidacy

Athenauem of Ohio – On Sunday, November 20 Bishop Joseph Binzer celebrated Mass in the seminary’s St. Gregory the Great Chapel and admitted 25 men as Candidates for the Order of Deacon: 21 for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and 4 for the Diocese of Covington. The Rite of Candidacy is …