Posts Tagged
Athenaeum of Ohio
First day of classes at the Seminary

It was the first day of classes at the Athenaeum of Ohio for the 2019-2020 Academic year. Here’s a look at our seminarians and faculty as we pray for them to have a blessed year!
Seek the Lord by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

Every Catholic should know the definition of a sacrament as “an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace.” And what s grace? The “Catechism of the Catholic Church” calls grace “participation in the life of God.” That is a font that never runs dry. Moreover, the grace poured out …
Attention vocalist: The Athenaeum Chorale holds auditions in August

Are you interested in singing the great works of the Church in a beautiful space? Consider joining the Athenaeum Chorale, a liturgical choral group that sings in the Seminary Chapel of St. Gregory the Great at the Athenaeum of Ohio. The Chorale season includes two Solemn Vespers liturgies, a beloved …
Today’s Video: A quick look at Ordination 2019 in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati joyfully celebrated the largest class of priests being ordained in 40 years. They are, Father Alex Biryomumeisho, Father Mark Bredestege, Father Zach Cecil, Father Christian Cone-Lombarte, Father Ambrose Dobrozsi, Father Andrew Hess, Father Elias Mwesigye, Father Jeff Stegbauer and Father Jedidiah Tritle. Check back later this …
Happy Mothers Day!

For your Mothers Day, a special performance of Salve Regina, from the Seminarians at the Athenaeum of Ohio Salve Regina mater miseri cordiae, vita, dulcedo et spes nostra salve Ad te clamamus, exsules filii Hevae Ad te suspiramis gementes et flentes in hac lacrimarum valle Eia ergo advocata nostra, illos …
Easter Triduum Reflections 2019

March 6: Ash Wednesday Invitation to prayer: Come, Holy Spirit. Guide me into and through this holy season of Lent. Reflection: As we celebrate Ash Wednesday and the beginning of our Lenten season, we hear the Lord’s invitation: “Return to me with your whole heart.” God is inviting us deeper …
The Athenaeum of Ohio introduces two new Summer Courses

The Athenaeum of Ohio is pleased to offer two summer courses beginning this May: “Biblical Theology of Creation” taught by Dr. Matthew Genung, and “Preambles of Faith: The Writings of Flannery O’Connor” taught by Dr. Tracy Jamison. Classes will be held evenings from May 20th through June 20th. “Biblical Theology …
Event Alert: Solemn Vespers at the Athenaeum of Ohio

Immerse yourself in the beautiful voices of the Mount St. Mary’s Latin Schola in singing the hymns, psalms, and canticles of Sunday Vespers, and listen to a musical meditation including Gregorian chant and works by Hildegard von Bingen, Giuseppe Baini and Kevin Allen. Where: The Chapel of St. Gregory, The …
Eighteen Admitted to Candidacy for Holy Orders

The Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer publically accepted the aspirants into the ranks of the candidates for Holy Orders during Mass held at the Chapel of St. Gregory the Great December 8. Family, friends, and members of the Athenaeum community were present for celebration of the Mass and Rite held …
Today’s Video: December in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

In Today’s Video we look at December, a time of Beauty, Grace, and Joy. Take a look at some of the wonder that our parishes, schools, staff, and volunteers make this a true season of Faith, Hope, and Love. 200 years ago the song Stille Nacht (Silent Night) was first …