Posts Tagged
Athenaeum of Ohio
Ordination: Largest class in 40 years ordained priests May 18, 2019

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati joyfully celebrated the largest class of priests being ordained in 40 years. A full cathedral was on hand as the men were ordained to the priesthood for service to God and the Church. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr celebrated the Mass. Bishop Joseph R. Binzer concelebrated the …
Today’s Video: Looking back on a powerful Advent Tradion

Each year Lessons and Carols at The Athenaeum of Ohio is a must attend event. Check out this wonderful video:
Today’s Photo Essay: Candidacy to Holy Orders

Congratulations to all the men who recently received candidacy to holy orders! Please pray for them as they continue their discernment. (Photos by EL Hubbard) Archdiocese of Cincinnati Brice Jacob Berger Adam Christopher Berning Stephen Augustine Codekas John Paul Grusenmeyer Antonio James Losekamp Benjamin Steven Mersch Matthew Elliot Montag Anthony …
Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Bernadette Kambeitz Celebrates 100th Birthday

Delhi Township – This week friends and family of Sister of Charity Bernadette Kambeitz celebrated a century of blessings. A Sister of Charity of Cincinnati for 82 years, Sister Bernadette turned 100 years old on Dec. 13, 2019. A couple of days before her 100th birthday, Sisters and friends of …
Did you know? The Athenaeum of Ohio/Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West

The Athenaeum of Ohio/Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West forms laypeople and priests for ministry. The third oldest seminary in the U.S. and the oldest west of the Appalachian Mountains, it’s built of granite in the Lombard Romanesque style. I looked forward to every day I went to the …
Local Priest Brings Role of Church in Civil War to Forefront

Perhaps the last untold story of the American Civil War is the heroic work of Catholic chaplains and religious sisters who served on both sides of the conflict. While the story has been untold for well over a century, it wasn’t unwritten. Irish journalist David Power Conyngham wrote a manuscript …
Dedication of the Athenaeum’s New Fenwick Hall a Response to Growing Number of Vocations

By Rebecca Sontag The Lord in his teachings says, ‘Beg the harvest master. The harvest is great but the laborers are few.’ The people of this archdiocese have been begging the harvest master for approximately the last 10 years, and the Lord answers our prayers.”– Archbishop Dennis Schnurr For the …
Meet Father Earl Fernandes, new Pastor of St. Ignatius Loyola Parish

Father Earl Fernandes has been named Pastor of St. Ignatius Loyola in Monfort Heights. He has been a member of the Staff of the Apostolic Nunciature in Washington, D.C. for the past three and a half years. Prior to that, from 2008-2016, he was the Dean of the Athenaeum of …
Magnificent Monday talk on Soldiers of the Cross: Catholic Priests and Sisters in the Civil War

Dr. William Kurtz and Father David Endres, a Catholic Telegraph contributor of A Question of Faith, will discuss the recently-published Soldiers of the Cross, a long-forgotten account of the war that offers the fullest record of the Catholic Church’s involvement in the conflict. Composed at the close of the war, …
Obituary: Deacon Halver L. Belcher

Deacon Halver L. Belcher age 76 formerly of Minster passed away at 5 PM on Tuesday, August 27, 2019 at his home in Celina. He was born February 18, 1943 to the late Elster and June (Hess) Belcher. His mother survives in Mouthcard, KY. He married Sharon Neumeyer on September …