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Ash Wednesday

By Sachin Jose Washington D.C., Mar 5, 2025 / 18:36 pm A Catholic Mass was reportedly celebrated for the staff at the White House today in observance of Ash Wednesday. An email from the White House Management Office informed staff that the Mass would take place in the Indian Treaty Room …

There is a certain peace and beauty as we begin our Lenten Journey with Mass during Ash Wednesday. This video was released several years ago, and this year Ash Wednesday in March 5, 2025. Check out the video:

By Andrés Henríquez ACI Prensa Staff, Feb 13, 2024 / 10:00 am On Feb. 14 of each year, the Roman Martyrology commemorates the anniversary of the martyrdom of St. Valentine of Rome, who is considered the patron saint of lovers and married couples. Coincidentally, Feb. 14 this year is also Ash Wednesday, the …

By Kate Quiñones CNA Staff, Feb 11, 2024 / 08:00 am If you’re giving up sweets for Lent, you may not be happy to learn that this year Ash Wednesday falls on Valentine’s Day. But while the day typically marked by heart-shaped candies, Hallmark cards, and giant teddy bears may seem …

As most Catholics are well aware, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the liturgical season of Lent. And, of course, almost everyone associates Lent with giving something up, even if they do not understand the penitential importance of the season. “I gave that up for Lent” is a common refrain, …

by Mary Farrow Washington D.C., Feb 27, 2022 / 03:03 am “Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return.” Or, “Repent and believe in the Gospel.” On Ash Wednesday, millions of Catholics throughout the English-speaking world will hear one of these two blessings as a priest applies ashes …

by Hannah Brockhaus Rome, Italy, Mar 2, 2022 / 10:57 am Pope Francis cautioned on Ash Wednesday against the temptation to allow Lenten prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to be taken over by an “illness of appearances” that cares more about earthly than eternal rewards. In a homily read by the Vatican Secretary …

We’ve set sail on Lent 2020, and here’s a look at Ash Wednesday in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Our photographers went to the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains in Cincinnati, St. Anthony of Padua & St. Mary Parishes in Dayton.

Pope Francis gestures before speaking about the death penalty at an event marking the 25th anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, at the Vatican in this Oct. 11, 2017, file photo. The pope ordered a revision to the catechism to state that the death penalty is inadmissible and he committed the church to its abolition. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
by Courtney Mares Vatican City, Feb 23, 2022 / 03:07 am Expressing great sadness at the worsening situation in Ukraine, Pope Francis asked world leaders on Wednesday to “make a serious examination of conscience before God.” Speaking at his live-streamed general audience on Feb. 23, the pope called for people to fast …