Posts Tagged
Archdiocese of Cincinnati
St. Xavier Parish hosts talk on end-of-life issues
April 1, 2011 By Eileen Connelly, OSU CATHEDRAL DEANERY — No one likes discussing end-of-life issues, but the reality is that conversing about such matters in advance of losing a loving one can ease the grieving process.
Annual lecture offers insight into Roman Missal
March 29, 2011 By David Eck ST. FRANCIS DE SALES DEANERY — A new English translation of the Roman Missal to be launched in November is intended to restore to the liturgy the original language and understanding that was the foundation of the early church.
Everyday Evangelists: Retiring Family Life Office coordinator shares story
March 29, 2011 By Sister Eileen Connelly, OSU SIDNEY DEANERY — In her nearly 25 years of ministry in the archdiocesan Family Life Office, Jean Borgert has had the opportunity to hear many people’s stories, to laugh with them, cry with them, advise and counsel them. As she prepared to …
Area faithful mark start of Lent
March 16, 2011 CATHEDRAL DEANERY — Local Catholics marked the start of the season of Lent — a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving — March 9 at special Ash Wednesday Masses throughout the archdiocese. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr celebrated Mass at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains, placing …
Deacon candidates installed as lectors
March 11, 2011 COVINGTON, Ky. — The journey towards the permanent diaconate continued for candidates from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and Diocese of Covington when they were installed as lectors during a Mass Feb. 13 at the Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption in Covington.
St. Martin of Tours parishioners begin centennial year
March 11, 2011 By David Eck ST. LAWRENCE DEANERY — The Feb. 26 centennial Mass and celebration at St. Martin of Tours Parish in Cheviot took on added significance, falling on the 100th anniversary of parish’s first Mass.
Archdiocesan Catholic schools seek unified vision
March 9, 2011 ARCHDIOCESE — For the first time in its 189-year history, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati will create a unified vision and strategic plan for Catholic primary and secondary schools throughout its 19 counties.
Dayton parishes to share pastor
February 23, 2011 By David Eck DAYTON DEANERY — Three parishes in downtown Dayton — Emmanuel, Holy Trinity and St. Joseph — will share a pastor beginning in July under the pastoral region seven plan. The news was recently announced in a letter from Cincinnati Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr and …
Forum focuses on race in the church
February 4, 2011 By David Eck DAYTON DEANERY — At a workshop several years ago, a nun commented to Father Bryan Massingale that because he was articulate and intelligent, a religious order must have educated him. Father Massingale, who is African American, explained that his parents educated him and asked …