Posts Tagged
Archdiocese of Cincinnati
The CT seeks interfaith relation stories
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Catholics are a diverse group. Many are well studied on the intricacies of the faith, many are only culturally Catholic and many fall somewhere in between. But what do Catholics know about the church’s relationship with other religions? The Catechism of the Catholic Church …
Major event planned to commemorate MLK’s ‘I Have A Dream’ speech
Staff Report Thousands of Americans, mostly African-Americans, started an as yet unfinished journey to equal justice and opportunity in the summer of 1963 with the historic March on Washington. The high point of that event was a speech delivered by an Atlanta clergyman — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. His …
What keeps me Catholic? Glenmary
When it comes to practicing my faith, I’ll admit it, I’m spoiled. Living in Cincinnati, there’s still a Catholic church within a short drive (even walk) of our homes. Educational opportunities at the parish, high school, and college level are numerous. Summer brings an abundance of festivals. Lent ushers in …
St. Vivian will host ‘Dismas Journey’
Staff Report St. Vivian Catholic church will host ‘Dismas Journey: A Dialogue on Reentry, Opportunity, and Justice’ from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. on Thursday July 25. Attendees will be asked the following questions: Can Ohio build a more redemptive criminal justice system? How can Cincinnati’s Catholic community provide for more …
E-pistle now available without email subscription
Staff Report The E-pistle, a weekly newsletter for the archdiocese of Cincinnati put out by The Catholic Telegraph and the archdiocese Office of Communications, is now available to view online without email subscription. To view the E-pistle for Wednesday, July 17, click here. The E-pistle is published each Wednesday and …
Changes made to Decree on Child Protection
By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph A planned review of the archdiocesan Decree on Child Protection has brought several changes in definitions and process policies this month. Safe Environment Coordinator for Children and Youth Tom Coz said the definitions were inserted in the decree to clarify what constitutes child pornography and …
Run for the Call helps young men’s vocation
By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph When the events of the 15th annual Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon took place the weekend May 4-5, among the walkers and runners was a team dedicated to helping young men in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati take up the challenge spoken about in Acts …
Parishes work together to maintain vibrant faith life, ministries
Editor’s Note: This is the second in a multi-part series on the Vibrant Churches project, an ongoing effort to mitigate the decline in the number of available priests for assignments as pastors on the parishes of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. The first installment examined efforts to mitigate the impact of …
Lay Perspective: Get to work
The popular T.V. series, “The Andy Griffith Show” had many memorable episodes. One episode that was quite funny was entitled “Aunt Bee the Warden”. There was an overflow crowd at the Mayberry Jail and Otis is forced to be in the custody of Aunt Bee, instead of the jail.
Latest priest personnel appointments released

Staff Report The Priests’ Personnel Office of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati has announced appointments by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr. The following appointments have already begun: Reverend Robert Thesing, SJ, part-time parochial administrator of St. Bernard and Mother of Christ effective October 1, 2012; Reverend Daniel Hartnett, SJ, pastor of St. Robert …