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Archdiocesan Pastoral Council
Archdiocesan Pastoral Council Notes

By Steve Trosley (from our print edition) Parishes need to become more involved in cultivating vocations, members of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council were told at their September meeting. Each member of the group received a book, “Hundredfold,” a guide to parish vocation ministry by Rhonda Gruenwald of the Archdiocese of …
Pastoral Council hears upbeat financial report at March meeting

The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council continued to discuss revision of its bylaws and membership parameters at its regular meeting March 5 at the Bartlett Center on the campus of the Athenaeum of Ohio. However, the commission first heard an upbeat report on the archdiocese’s finances from its own oversight committee and …
Pastoral Council discusses contract, elects executive committee

The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council examined the 2015-2016 Teacher-Minister contract at its regular meeting Nov. 7 in Dayton at the University of Dayton River Campus. Archdiocesan HR Director Rob Reid requested the review. The Council discussed the recurring debate over the delineation in the contract of specific activities that are contrary …
Archdiocesan Pastoral Council holds quarterly meeting March 7

By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph The financial condition of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati continues to improve, officials told the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council March 7 at its regular quarterly meeting. Archdiocesan finances are “stable and balanced,” finance review committee member Ron Kienzle told the group. “Spending is below revenue and …
Archdiocesan Pastoral Council discusses teacher contract
By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph Archdiocesan Pastoral Council members participated in a wide-ranging discussion on the teacher-minister contract at its quarterly meeting Nov. 15 on the University of Dayton Riverside campus.
September APC meeting the last for nine members
Staff Report The Archdiocese of Cincinnati Pastoral Council met at Sept. 6 in the Bartlett Center at the Athenaeum of Ohio. The meeting was the last one for nine members of the council whose terms have expired. “I do want to thank all those who have served on this Archdiocesan …
Archdiocesan Pastoral Council holds quarterly meeting
By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council learned that only seven to 10 percent of Catholics in any parish are engaged in their faith and the life of their church while the “nones” — people with no affiliation at all — are increasing in number.
New members join Pastoral Council
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council, a 40-plus member advisory board to the archbishop, picked up eight new members on Saturday, Sept. 7. Members of the board are recommended by the heads of the archdiocese’s various deaneries and are appointed by the archbishop to three year …
APC hears presentations on permanent diaconate, CT
Wednesday, September 15, 2010 ST. FRANCIS DE SALES DEANERY — Presentations on the permanent diaconate in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and The Catholic Telegraph filled an agenda at the Sept. 11 meeting of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council. Chairperson Marvin Koenig turned the morning session of the meeting, held at the Athenaeum …