Posts Tagged
Archbishop Paul Coakley
US bishops express support for Biden’s environmental actions

Washington D.C., Feb 3, 2021 / 05:01 pm MT (CNA).- Archbishop Paul Coakley of Oklahoma City, chairman of the US bishops’ domestic justice committee, praised Wednesday President Joe Biden’s environmental executive orders. Biden’s executive action establishes the White House Office of Domestic Climate Policy, which the White House says will …
Bishops call on Trump administration to stop planned federal executions

by Matt Hadro Washington D.C., Jan 11, 2021 / 03:34 pm MT (CNA).- In a joint statement Jan. 11, the U.S. bishops’ domestic justice chair Archbishop Paul Coakley of Oklahoma City, joined by pro-life chair Archbishop Joseph Naumann, called for a stop to planned federal executions on Tuesday, Thursday, and …
Bishops note Eucharistic hunger, lay and clerical sacrifices, amid coronavirus pandemic

by Christine Rousselle Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Nov 17, 2020 / 08:00 pm MT (CNA).- Bishops on Tuesday discussed pastoral strategies and the movement of the Holy Spirit during the coronavirus pandemic, noting the great desire for the sacraments on the part of many Catholics. Bishops lauded sacrifices made by priests …
Invalidly baptized Oklahoma priest baptized and ‘re-ordained’

by Mary Farrow Denver Newsroom, Sep 16, 2020 / 04:08 pm MT (CNA).- In the second known instance in the United States, a man who believed himself to be a validly baptized Catholic and ordained priest had to “re-receive” all of his sacraments, including ordination, after discovering that his baptism …
US bishops commend HUD plan to allow homeless shelters to serve on basis of sex

CNA Staff, Sep 14, 2020 / 05:19 pm MT (CNA).- The US bishops’ conference on Friday applauded the US Department of Housing and Urban Development’s proposal to allow single-sex homeless shelters to serve only those whose biological sex aligns with that of their residents. The proposal would reverse an Obama-era …
Spend Labor Day in solidarity with the poor, US bishops say

CNA Staff, Sep 3, 2020 / 10:00 am MT (CNA).- The U.S. bishops’ conference is encouraging solidarity, charity and compassion for low-income and essential workers during the upcoming Labor Day festivities in light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. “This Labor Day is a somber one. The COVID-19 pandemic goes on,” …
U.S. Bishop Chairmen Lament Additional Federal Executions

WASHINGTON —Archbishop Paul S. Coakley of Oklahoma City, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, and Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City in Kansas, chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on Pro-Life Activities, issued the following statement in light of additional …
Federal housing rule change is self-defeating, Catholic leaders warn

CNA Staff, Jul 29, 2020 / 04:00 pm MT (CNA).- Changes to federal fair housing rules undermine the government’s responsibility to guide efforts to overcome the legacy of racial discrimination and economic segregation, U.S. bishops said Tuesday. “Fair housing regulations remain one of the key tools for addressing long standing …
US Catholic bishops lament end to federal limits on payday loans

CNA Staff, Jul 13, 2020 / 12:01 pm MT (CNA).- The revocation of restrictions on payday lenders by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau exposes poor and vulnerable persons to ‘predatory and abusive lending practices’, the US bishops’ conference said last week. On July 7 the CFPB removed requirements that lenders …