Posts Tagged
Archbishop of Chicago
Cardinal Cupich asks Catholics ‘to receive holy Communion standing’ in Chicago Archdiocese

By Tyler Arnold Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Dec 13, 2024 / 17:45 pm Cardinal Blase Cupich of the Archdiocese of Chicago in a letter published this week in the archdiocesan newspaper urged Catholics to stand while receiving holy Communion and not make gestures that draw attention to oneself. In the letter, published in the Chicago …
Savannah diocese to end Traditional Latin Masses in May 2023

by Courtney Mares Savannah, Ga., Jul 19, 2022 / 06:56 am Bishop Stephen D. Parkes of Savannah has announced that Traditional Latin Masses in his Georgia diocese will cease in May 2023. The bishop said that he had requested permission from the Vatican Dicastery for Divine Worship and Discipline of …
Cardinal Cupich reportedly ‘leaning hard’ on bioethics center to retract stance on Covid vaccine exemptions

by Alejandro Bermudez, Carl Bunderson Denver Newsroom, Aug 11, 2021 / 17:32 pm Amid disagreement among Catholic leaders over whether there is a moral obligation to receive a coronavirus vaccine, board members at the National Catholic Bioethics Center have told CNA that Blase Cardinal Cupich has urged that the center …
Cupich named to organizing group of Vatican’s February meeting on abuse crisis

By Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Nov 23, 2018 / (CNA/EWTN News).- The Vatican announced Friday Pope Francis’ selection for the organizing committee of the Vatican’s February meeting of bishops on abuse prevention. Among the group named is Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago. The gathering, which will take place Feb. 21-24, …
Jesus invites all to take risk ‘of being more,’ says Chicago archbishop upon installation

By Catholic News Service CHICAGO — At his installation as the ninth archbishop of Chicago Nov. 18, Archbishop Blase J.Cupich urged the congregation at Chicago’s Holy Name Cathedral to fearlessly share their faith recognizing that God calls them “to more” and “to greater things.” Before an overflow crowd, the archbishop …
Cupich tapped to succeed Cardinal George as Archbishop of Chicago

By Kevin Jones CNA/EWTN News Chicago’s Archbishop-designate Blase Cupich introduced himself to his new city on Saturday, downplaying political interpretations of his appointment and stressing the need to be attentive to God’s voice.
Cardinal George joins cancer drug clinical trial
By Catholic News Service CHICAGO — Chicago Cardinal Francis E. George is participating in a clinical research trial for a new cancer drug, the Archdiocese of Chicago announced Aug. 22. Cardinal George was first diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2006 and had a recurrence of cancer announced in 2012.