Posts Tagged
Archbishop Letter
Archbishop Schnurr: Freedom of religion “being rapidly eroded”

The following letter from Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr to the faithful of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati urges participating in the coming Fortnight for Freedom. The letter originally appeared in the June 2015 print edition of The Catholic Telegraph. My dear frends in Christ, Catholics everywhere have been appalled at the spectacle of Christians being …
Archbishop Letter: CRS collection ‘opportunity to help Jesus in disguise’
My Dear Friends in Christ, Through humanitarian aid, resettling displaced individuals and families, and providing legal and advocacy services for migrants, the Catholic Relief Services Collection allows us to see every encounter with a person who is suffering as an opportunity to help Jesus in disguise.
Archbishop Schnurr letter encourages participation in CRS Rice Bowl

Dear Friends in Christ, As a former member of Catholic Relief Services’ (CRS) Board of Directors, I am inviting every parish and school in our archdiocese to use CRS Rice Bowl for Lent 2015. CRS Rice Bowl guides families on a Lenten journey of faith and solidarity, helps parents bring …
Archbishop Schnurr on Synod: Take a deep breath and don’t get too excited

Staff Report Responding to confusion and concern over reports from the Extraordinary Synod on the Family, Archbishop of Cincinnati Dennis M. Schnurr has released the following letter, explaining the relatio post disceptationem, the summary document recently released by the Vatican.