Posts Tagged

Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

After His death and resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples and sent the Holy Spirit upon them that they might continue His work of preaching the Good News of the Kingdom of God. Through baptism we are incorporated into this mystery. Made partakers in His death and resurrection, we are …

By Daniel Payne Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Aug 14, 2023 / 11:04 am Cincinnati Archbishop Dennis Schnurr on Saturday urged Catholics in the state of Ohio to reject a November ballot measure that would enshrine abortion rights under the state’s constitution. The prelate said in a letter posted to the archdiocesan website that the …

We have all heard the phrase, “It takes a village to raise a child”—and for good reason. Over the millennia, members of a given community have assisted each other in the formation and development of their youth to ensure that each learns the skills necessary to contribute to the common …

Through wisdom and love, God has created all that is. The prophet Isaiah reflected on the mystery of creation asking, “Who has measured with his palm the waters, marked off the heavens with a span, held in his fingers the dust of the earth, weighed the mountains in scales and …

While God made his entire people a royal priesthood in Christ, Jesus chooses certain disciples to carry out publicly in His name the priestly office in the Church. Lord God, may it please you to consecrate this chalice by this anointing and our blessing in Jesus Christ our Lord who …

A sea of blue fills the levee during the Cross the Bridge for Life in Newport, Ky. Sunday, June 2, 2019. (CT Photo/E.L. Hubbard)
W H A T | Annual Cross the Bridge for Life W H E N | Sunday, June 4th; 1 p.m. Festival, 2 p.m. Program and Walk W H E R E | River Front Row Festival Area in Newport, KY, Purple People Bridge W H O | More than …

Memorial Day celebrations mark the unofficial beginning of summer throughout our country. By this point most schools have finished the academic year, and people are once again flocking to parks and swimming pools to enjoy the nice weather. And, whether it’s enjoying a snack on a hike, a burger at …

May is a month of transitions. Children celebrate the end of the school year and the beginning of summer break. College students return home or perhaps begin an internship related to their area of study. Families gather for First Communion and Mother’s Day celebrations and look forward to upcoming vacations. …

On Saturday, April 29, seven men became transitional deacons on their journey to Priesthood Ordination 2024.