Posts Tagged
Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr
USCCB to meet next week, Archbishop Schnurr nominated in treasurer election
Staff Report During their Nov. 16-19 general assembly in Baltimore, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will vote for a treasurer-elect for the USCCB as well as chairmen-elect for six standing committees. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr of Cincinnati, and Bishop John M. LeVoir of New Ulm, Minnesota are both nominated for …
Cathedral to seal ‘Door of Mercy’ in Sunday ceremony
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph The Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains has announced on its website that it will seal a “Jubilee Year Door of Mercy” in a ceremony 5 p.m. Nov. 1, following Evening Prayer. The door is being sealed as preparation for the Extraordinary Jubilee of …
Archbishop to offer opening remarks at Nostra Aetate event Sunday
Staff Report Archbishop of Cincinnati Dennis M. Schnurr will speak at at 6 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 18, at The James and Caroline Duff Banquet Center in the Cintas Center at Xavier University, to mark the 50th anniversary of Nostra Aetate: The Declaration on Relations of the Church to Non-Christian Religions.
Ohio Catholic Conference releases statement on court decision
The Catholic Conference of Ohio has released the following statement concerning the historic decision delivered by the U.S. Supreme Court Friday morning. “Today the United States Supreme Court released its ruling that states are required to license a marriage between two people of the same sex. This is not the ruling …
Archbishop approves latest priest assignments
Staff Report Archbishop Dennis Schnurr has approved the following appointments for priests across the archdiocese, effective July 1:
Safe environment coordinators gather for conference hosted by Diocese of Covington and Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Messenger Staff report “I am very grateful for all the work you do,” said Bishop Roger Foys at the opening reception, May 31, of the 2015 National Safe Environment and Victim Assistance Coordinators Leadership Conference. “You know as well as I do, even better than I do, that our work …
Archbishop Schnurr: Freedom of religion “being rapidly eroded”
The following letter from Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr to the faithful of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati urges participating in the coming Fortnight for Freedom. The letter originally appeared in the June 2015 print edition of The Catholic Telegraph. My dear frends in Christ, Catholics everywhere have been appalled at the spectacle of Christians being …
Archbishop dedicates archdiocesan archives (Video tour)
Staff Report Where can you find a sick call box of Archbishop Elder’s, a hat worn at the Second Vatican Council by Archbishop Alter and the handwritten journal of Archbishop Purcell? The Chancery Archives of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati includes these treasures and more. See video below On May 19 the archives were …
Archbishop asks prayers as justices consider same-sex marriage
Staff Report Archbishop of Cincinnati Dennis M. Schnurr has urged archdiocesan priests and deacons to keep their congregations informed on the case before the Supreme Court that could federalize same-sex marriage, making it a right and the law of the land. “Over the past several years,” the Archbishop writes, “we …
Area Muslim leaders tour Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains (Photos)
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Board members and other volunteers of the Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati toured the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains Wednesday, April 15 with Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr. The visit was reciprocal, as Archbishop Schnurr had toured the Islamic Center in 2010.