Posts Tagged
All about Mary
Procession Brings Family of Parishes Together

by Lisa Fletcher Westside Catholic Family of Parishes, which includes St. Teresa of Avila, St. William, St. Lawrence and Resurrection of Our Lord churches in Cincinnati, is eagerly preparing for their 25th anniversary celebration of the Feast of the Corpus Christi. With music, singing, prayer and community spirit, this annual …
The Power in a Mother’s Name

I was a brand new speaker preparing a talk that I had struggled to put together for over a year. There I sat, tapping my pencil on another blank sheet of paper next to a growing pile of crumpled up ideas. I was out of time. In just a couple …
The Marianist Story and the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Father William Joseph Chaminade founded the Society of Mary in 1817, in the aftermath of the French Revolution. Born in 1761, as a young priest he barely survived the Revolution’s carnage and terror. When the revolutionary government demanded every priest in the country swear allegiance to the new government or …
Ohio’s Beautiful Place

Near the scenic Rhine River in Germany is a little shrine devoted to the Blessed Mother where Father Joseph Kentenich founded the Marian movement called Schoenstatt, meaning “beautiful place.” This apostolic movement seeks to renew the Church by connecting faith to daily life through Mary’s example. Now established across the …
Mary, Ark of the Covenant

I have heard of many titles for Mary, but one I do not understand is “Ark of the Covenant.” What does that mean? The designation of Mary as “Ark of the Covenant” may seem puzzling at first, yet this lesser-known title for the Blessed Virgin is rooted in scripture and …
Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Vocations and Priestly Formation

In May 2024, I will complete my fifth year on the full-time faculty at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology (MTSM). This is in addition to the three years I taught as an adjunct. These have been the most satisfying eight years of my professional career. I should …
Let’s Talk About Mary

“Let’s talk about Mary,” I said, sitting in the office of my former Director of Religious Education (DRE). While I discerned whether to convert to Catholicism, my husband and I met one-on-one with our parish DRE for a couple of months. I still had a few things to clear up …
Seek the Lord for May 2024

Many families annually prepare a special May Altar in their homes to honor the Blessed Mother. This space, set aside with an image or statue of Mary and decorated with flowers and candles, is just one example of the various ways in which Catholics show their devotion to the Mother …
Busca al Senor

Cada año muchas familias preparan un altar especial de mayo en sus hogares para honrar a la Santísima Madre. Este espacio, reservado para una imagen o estatua de María y adornado con flores y velas, es solo un ejemplo de las diversas formas en que los católicos muestran su devoción …
Mary in Catholic Education an exhibit at UD’s Marian Library

Visiting the Marian Library at the University of Dayton (UD) can involve more than looking at books as it is also known for its collections and special exhibits. “Mary in Catholic Education,” one such exhibit currently on display, exemplifies UD and Marian Library faculty, staff and students focused on sharing …