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Busca al Señor par el Arzobispo Dennis M. Schnurr

La temporada de Adviento, en la cual entramos en diciembre, es un período de espera vigilante en preparación para el Nacimiento del Señor en Navidad. En esto, como en tantas cosas, la Iglesia es contracultural. ¡Algunas tiendas han estado decorando para Navidad desde antes de Halloween! Es común cada año, …
Seek the Lord by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

The season of Advent, which we enter in December, is a period of watchful waiting in preparation for the Nativity of the Lord at Christmas. In this, as in so many things, the Church is counter-cultural. Some stores have been decorating for Christmas since before Halloween! It is common during …
Today’s Video: What are you going to do to prepare for Advent.

In Today’s Video: Bro. Casey gives a glimpse on how to prepare for Advent and to make this the best Advent ever! For the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Advent Calendar to help you enjoy the season of Advent, click here
They may not know it, but they’re evangelists

Fans of the Major League Baseball Network, or MLB-TV, know the fun-loving, baseball-addicted hosts of the program are rarely at a loss for words. But when 26-year-old Daniel Poncedeleon finished seven complete hitless innings in his major league debut after taking a year to recover from a near-fatal line drive …
Photo Essay: Awaiting on the Fourth Sunday of Advent

I will raise up your heir after you, sprung from your loins, and I will make his kingdom firm. (2 SM 7) Temperatures dropped in the Ohio Valley as churches awaited the Fourth Sunday of Advent and the Glorious Christmas Season O Come O Come Emmanuel at Guardian Angels Parish …
Advent Reflections by our Women Religious

December 25th- Christmas Day 2017 (Begin this day by asking the Holy Spirit for a heightened awareness of Christ’s presence). Christmas invites us to recognize what it means to be most deeply human. Whether by welcoming people who have no one to share this feast with to our tables; or …
Advent Calendar 2017

ADVENT 2017 Friday, November 24th through January 1st Live Nativity at St. Francis Seraph St. Francis Seraph Nativity exhibit at Christian Moerlein Taproom Map Monday, November 27th through Friday, January 5th “At the Manger” Créche display at the University of Dayton Map Friday, December 1st –Sunday, January 7th Nativity Set …
Not just fruitcakes: Gift ideas with a Catholic connection

Body + Soul By Erin Schurenberg By December, most organized planners have finished their holiday shopping, but for those yet to start or who might have a gift or two remaining on their Christmas shopping list, we present these resources for holiday gifts with Catholic connections. Most of the abbeys, …
Archbishop Schnurr on Advent: Preparing Our Hearts to Celebrate

My dear friends in Christ: No one likes to wait, especially when we are waiting for something good. However, the better that something is, the more it is worth waiting and preparing for. That is why the Church gives us the season of Advent, a word derived from the Latin …
Celebrating at the Stable: Nativity Scenes bring the Incarnation Home

By Gail Finke It’s the little clay baby in the manger—or maybe the empty manger, waiting until Christmas morning for the figure to appear. It’s the watchful figures of Mary and Joseph (“Mary always has to go on Jesus’s right, and Joseph always has to hold a lantern or …