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Stations of the Infant Jesus

What do you think Jesus’ laugh sounded like? Do you think he snorted or giggled? Was it a hearty guffaw or a milder chuckle? What would it be like to hear Jesus when he was only three- or four-years-old, laughing as St. Joseph played with him? These kinds of reflections …
Advent Reflections 2020

Advent Reflection for November 29 – First Sunday of Advent Isaiah 63: 16-17; 64: 2-7/1 Corinthians 1: 3-9/Mark 13: 33-37 Invitation to Prayer: As we begin this Advent journey, we are asked to prepare our hearts and minds for the Christ who has already come; the Christ who is present …
The Tuesday before Christmas: A look back at December 2018

In Today’s Video we look at December 2018 in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Our crew went to St. Francis Seraph’s live Nativity, Moerlein Center’s Naitvity displays, Lessons and Carols at the Athenaeum, The Rorate Mass at Old St. Mary’s, The Christmas Gift store at St. Vincent DePaul Society, The Elder-Seton …
Shine On: The Giver of Gifts

Johnny had always wanted to help when his Uncle Mike dressed up as Santa and delivered gifts to kids in need before Christmas. His family collected gift lists from a local hospital or homeless shelter, then they’d get their neighbors or school families to donate gifts. And then, Uncle Mike …
Advent Calendar 2020

Friday, November 27 – Thursday, December 31 International Christmas Display, Franciscan Friars Christian Moerlein Events Center, 1621 Moore St., Cincinnati 45202 Fri 4pm-7pm, Sat Noon -7pm, Sun 1pm-7pm A wonderful treat for the family, hundreds of Nativity sets, Miniature London Village, St. Nicholas and Santa Claus scenes, a train and …
Advent Traditions

Cheers and peals of laughter fill our home each year as my brother and I find tickets on our pillows… tickets to the “Galloway Express.” When our dad calls, “All aboard!” we race into the car, pajama-clad, arms full of buttery popcorn, blankets draped around our shoulders. Mom hops into …
Seek the Lord: Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

Much of this difficult year has been spent in uneasy, uncertain waiting – waiting for businesses and schools to reopen, waiting for the development of a vaccine, waiting for life to return to normal and, for some, waiting for COVID test results. Perhaps most of all, we have spent many …
Editor’s Note: Cutting Through the Noise

This year has been one packed with a cacophony of sound. There’s the bigger-picture noise: the dire warnings and subsequent mourning related to the ongoing global pandemic; the presidential election and ever-increasing polarization and ugliness we hurl at one another on social media; the ripping sounds of hurricanes tearing through …
‘Mary on the Mantel’? Think ‘Elf on the Shelf’, but Catholic

by Mary Farrow Denver Newsroom, Dec 1, 2020 / 02:55 pm MT (CNA).- For the past 16 years, Elf on the Shelf has become a tradition, both hated and loved, for families in the days leading up to Christmas. Based on a book and accompanying doll, the elf is a …
Pope Francis Prayer intentions for December 2020

For a Life of Prayer We pray that our personal relationship with Jesus Christ be nourished by the Word of God and a life of prayer.