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How to prepare for the Advent Penance Service.

As we’re in Advent, parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are having Advent Penance Services. Whether you’ve gone to confession recently or haven’t for many years, this is a great chance to Prepare for the Lord. The hour before you leave, take some time and prepare for the Sacrament of …
Seek the Lord for December 2023

On Christmas morning, in the opening prayer of the Mass at Dawn, we ask God to allow the light of faith, which radiates from the incarnate Word, to shine through in our deeds. This prayer reminds us of a beautiful truth: the gift of our faith is not something we …
What is Advent, anyway? A CNA Explainer

by JD Flynn Denver, Colo., Nov 30, 2020 / 11:35 am MT (CNA).- Advent began this year on Sunday, Nov. 30. Most Catholics, even those who don’t often go to Mass, know that Advent involves a wreath with some candles, possibly a “calendar” of hidden chocolates, and untangling strings of …
Today’s video: Advent in Two Minutes!

What is Advent all about? How is Advent different than Christmas? Check out this 2 minute video: Advent in Two Minutes!
Light the World Giving Machines

Imagine going to a vending machine and being able to purchase much-needed food, clothing, or baby supplies for a local family in need, and medicine or even a goat for a family in a developing country. This year, Cincinnati residents will have the chance to do just that. As part …
Seasons’ Greetings and Christian Discernment

Each year we hear the perennial objections of those who lament hearing the salutation, “Season’s Greetings” instead of “Merry Christmas.” The common complaint, of course, is that this season is about the birth of the Christ, the savior of humankind. Thus, the reasoning goes, recourse to the general reference of …
Making Catholic Memories Celebrating Saint Lucy

Tip-Toe Twinkle, the name of our Elf on the Shelf, arrived in our house by surprise one December day a few years ago. For the remainder of the month, he would occasionally cause mischief about the house while we parents grumbled about the mess left behind. However, the next year, …
Advent: The Light in the Darkness

Have you ever felt “spiritually dry”—that sense of struggling to pray, not feeling connected to the Creator, or even doubting? Maybe you’re not praying as much or wondering what you did to deserve something bad happening in your life. I certainly have, and I know I’m not the only one. …
Everything you need to know about the Advent wreath

by Francesca Pollio Denver Newsroom, Nov 27, 2021 / 09:00 am During the holidays, nativity scenes and Christmas trees decorate most Catholic homes, but what about Advent wreaths? Advent wreaths are traditionally made from evergreen branches and have four candles. The four candles represent the four weeks of Advent—three candles …
Don’t let Christmas take you by surprise: lessons for Advent from the Church

by Kelsey Wicks Denver, Colo., Nov 28, 2022 / 06:36 am The First Sunday of Advent 2022 is Nov. 27, exactly four weeks before the Sunday of Christmas this year, and while the Church provides this time to allow you to be caught by the joy of the Incarnation, you …