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Advent Reflections 2024

Christmas Day Invitation to Prayer: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” Reflection: Today we celebrate the birth of Christ, historically, in our lives today, and when we shut our eyes for the last time to greet the Saviour.Often. in …
The hidden message in ancient ‘O Antiphons’ of Advent

By Katie Yoder Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Dec 4, 2022 / 07:00 am An emeritus Texas bishop is highlighting an Advent message hidden in the O Antiphons — prayers that are recited or chanted in an ancient tradition leading up to Christmas. “Composed in the sixth or seventh century, the seven O …
5 things to know and share about St. Nicholas

by Hannah Brockhaus Rome Newsroom, Dec 6, 2021 / 06:00 am St. Nicholas, whose feast day is celebrated on Dec. 6, is well known as possibly the real-life inspiration for the beloved Christmas character of Santa Claus. Not a lot is known about the historical Nicholas, who was bishop of …
Follow the Star to St Charles Center

I remember seeing the star every year as I grew up, after we left our family Christmas party at Grandpa’s house. It was on the dome of the St. Charles Center, a senior living community for Missionaries of the Precious Blood and local lay people. Their simple tradition of placing …
Go Forth with Hope

On my birthday in October, I learned that my grandfather, Bob, had fallen and had five broken ribs and a brain bleed. His prognosis was grim, and my heart was heavy. There were many ups and downs for over a month while we were left unsure of his life expectancy. …
Advent 2024: 4 Catholic resources to help you grow in your faith

By Francesca Pollio Fenton CNA Staff, Nov 30, 2024 / 04:08 am As we prepare for the birth of Christ during Advent, it can be easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of the season. But as calendars get filled up and preparations are made, here are four resources to …
How to bless your Advent wreath at home

The Advent wreath is made of four candles and a circle of branches. Before the first candle is lighted, the household gathers for this blessing. The blessing of an Advent Wreath takes place on the First Sunday of Advent or on the evening before the First Sunday of Advent. When …
Advent: The meanings and traditions

by Francesca Pollio Denver Newsroom, Nov 29, 2021 / 11:00 am Advent is a time of preparation. We prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ, and welcome his presence into our lives. During a time of Christmas shopping, holiday parties, and family gatherings, it can be hard to find …
Living Advent Intentionally

As I recently walked through a retail store with my kids, we saw the whole place decked out in snowflakes, North Pole signage, toy cars with trees strapped on top and, most puzzling, Star Wars Pez in candy striped boxes. So, I nonchalantly quizzed my kids. “This stuff looks fun. …
Advent Reflections 2023

Introduction to Advent 2023 Invitation to Prayer: Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord. Reflection: The first candle is about to be lit! Tomorrow is the first Sunday of Advent. Hopefully, you are participating with an Advent Wreath in your home this season. In his excellent article, …