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By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph  Project Rachel, an outreach ministry of the archdiocesan Family and Respect Life Office, has been ministering to post-abortive women in this archdiocese for nearly 20 years. Its retreats have helped many women return to their faith by sharing with them the message of God’s …

Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr speaks at a rally for the 40 Days for Life campaign in Kettering, Ohio. (Courtesy Photo/Tom Dalrymple)
Staff Report At least three 40 Days for Life campaigns are underway in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. The campaigns, in which pro-lifers stand outside abortion clinics in prayer, began in Cincinnati and Sharonville on Sept. 29 and in Kettering on Sept. 15. The Dayton 40 Days for Life campaign, which …

By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — In his strongest public words to date on the subject of abortion, Pope Francis affirmed the sacredness of unborn human life and linked its defense to the pursuit of social justice.

Minnesota woman stands in front of Supreme Court building during March for Life in Washington
By Catholic News Service  WASHINGTON (CNS) — The U.S. House June 18 passed the Pain Capable Unborn Protection Act to prohibit abortion nationwide after 20 weeks of gestation, approximately the stage at which scientists say unborn babies are capable of feeling pain. After heated debate on the floor of the …

Staff Report Pro-lifers from throughout Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky came together June 2 in demonstration of support for the protection of human life with a peaceful walk across the Purple People Bridge (officially the Newport-Southbank Bridge), which spans the Ohio River from Sawyer Point in Cincinnati to Newport on …

Dear Father: My faith is challenged. I have heard Church teaching on the death penalty but struggle to believe that some don’t deserve it. Shouldn’t someone like Dr. Kermit Gosnell receive the death penalty? Dear Reader: Our faith is sometimes challenged in the face of unspeakable crimes against humanity like …

  More than 4,000 tri-state residents will gather at the World Peace Bell on Sunday, June 2 to participate in the eighth annual Cross the Bridge for Life event held at 421 Monmouth St., Newport, Ky.

By Catholic News Service  PHILADELPHIA (CNS) — Dr. Kermit Gosnell may have been convicted May 13 of murder at his Philadelphia abortion clinic, but “nothing can bring back the innocent children he killed, or make up for the vulnerable women he exploited,” said Archbishop Charles J. Chaput. And, he added, …

Bulletin from Wire and Broadcast News Sources Wire services and broadcast news sources are reporting that Dr. Kermit Gosnell, a Philadelphia doctor accused of performing illegal, late-term abortions in a filthy clinic has been found guilty of first-degree murder in the deaths of three babies born alive but acquitted in …

Pope Francis waves from the popemobile at end of canonization Mass at Vatican
By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service  VATICAN CITY (CNS) — U.S. Cardinal Raymond L. Burke and U.S. pro-life leaders joined tens of thousands of demonstrators in Italy’s third annual March for Life May 12, which ended with a personal greeting from Pope Francis. According to organizers, some 30,000 marched …