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Ohio’s Kasich signs bill stripping $1.3 million from Planned Parenthood

On Sunday Feb. 22, Ohio Governor John Kasich signed House Bill 294, effectively stripping $1.3 million in funding from Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers locations in the state. “The Archdiocese of Cincinnati and Pro-Life community applauds Governor Kaisich for signing (House Bill 294),” said Colleen Gerke, Director of the …
40 Days for Life spring campaign kicks off Feb. 6

This Saturday, Feb. 6, the 40 Days for Life spring campaign will kick off in Cincinnati. The campaign runs officially from Ash Wednesday (Feb. 10) to Palm Sunday (March 20). Speakers at Saturday’s kickoff event will include Henry Flowers IV, the new director of the Life Issues Institute’s Protecting Black …
Cincinnati Mini March for Life draws more than 100 [Video]

Cold weather and threat of snow couldn’t deter more than 100 area residents from showing their support for the unborn on a snowy Friday afternoon. Pro-life supporters gathered Jan. 22 in front of the Planned Parenthood on Auburn Avenue in Cincinnati to mark the 44th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s …
Schedule of Roe vs. Wade memorial events around archdiocese released

The following information, released by Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati, are known area events commemorating the Jan. 22 1973 Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Decision, which legalized abortion on-demand–the 43rd year of this tragic memorial. (Any later additional events will be posted on the Cincinnati Right to Life Area Events page). “Since 1973, over …
Attorney General investigation shows Planned Parenthood disposed of aborted remains in landfills

The Office of Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine has found new disturbing allegations against Planned Parenthood in the state. In concluding an investigation into whether or not Planned Parenthood abortion facilities in the state sold aborted baby parts, the AG office said in a press release it found no evidence …
Shooting at Colorado clinic antithesis of pro-life movement, says priest

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — A priest who celebrates Mass every Friday morning on a sidewalk near the Planned Parenthood clinic targeted by a lone gunman Nov. 27 said the shooter’s actions were the antithesis of the pro-life cause. “We want the conversion of Planned Parenthood, not their destruction,” said Father Bill Carmody, …
In wake of papal visit, pro-life opinion rises in United States
CNA/EWTN News Pope Francis’ visit to the United States has given a boost to Americans’ stated support for the pro-life cause, the results of a survey conducted this month suggest. About 62 percent of Americans voiced support for life at every stage of its development, including the unborn, according to …
Archdiocese, USCCB work to clear misunderstanding on papal letter regarding absolutions for abortion

Staff Report The Archdiocese of Cincinnati sent a letter to local media Wednesday to help clear up confusion in the wake of Pope Francis Sept. 1 letter announcing an expansion of faculties for priests to absolve the sin of abortion. Calling some of the coverage, “misleading and confusing,” the Archdiocese …
More than 1,300 protest Planned Parenthood in archdiocese

Staff Report With each successive protest held against national abortion provider Planned Parenthood, more and more people are turning out to support life. Just less than a month after a weekday protest drew nearly 500 pro-lifers, on Saturday Aug. 22, more than 1,100 turned out for a #ProtestPP rally at …
Is Planned Parenthood ‘aborting’ babies after birth?
By Matt Hadro & Adelaide Mena CNA/EWTN News Warning: this article contains graphic content. Reader discretion is advised. A new video in an investigative series on Planned Parenthood shows a former technician saying that she had once been traumatized by the experience of gathering tissue from an aborted baby whose heart …