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Georgia Tech settles with pro-life group over denied speaker funding

CNA Staff, Sep 13, 2020 / 03:14 am MT (CNA).- The Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) has agreed to reverse a policy that barred funding for Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece to be brought to campus as a pro-life speaker. “The Constitution is clear that public universities can’t discriminate …
March for Life reveals 2021 theme, with unity as focus

Washington D.C., Sep 10, 2020 / 08:31 pm MT (CNA).- The March for Life Education and Defense Fund announced Thursday the theme for its 2021 event: “Together Strong: Life Unites.” Organizers of the event said in a press release that the 48th annual March for Life will take place on …
Trump says second term will ‘fight’ for unborn children in letter to pro-lifers

CNA Staff, Sep 3, 2020 / 04:40 pm MT (CNA).- President Donald Trump on Thursday released a letter addressed to “pro-life leaders and activists” indicating his intention to advance legislative and administrative priorities against abortion if he is elected to a second term. “As I seek re-election this November, I …
Kamala Harris quizzed judicial nominees over Christian adoption and faith values
by Matt Hadro Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Sep 3, 2020 / 09:10 am MT (CNA).- Vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris questioned a judicial nominee over his affiliation with a Christian adoption agency, and another about briefs he wrote for religious liberty lawsuits against the federal contraception mandate. She also questioned another …
Black leaders blast ‘systemic racism’ of abortion in letter to Planned Parenthood

by Matt Hadro Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Sep 1, 2020 / 10:15 am MT (CNA).- A coalition of Black leaders is calling out Planned Parenthood for “targeting” Black communities for abortions while professing to support the Black Lives Matter movement. In a letter to Planned Parenthood’s acting president Alexis McGill-Johnson on …
Archbishop Paglia: Catholic politicians cannot protect or promote abortion
CNA Staff, Aug 31, 2020 / 11:00 am MT (CNA).- The president of the Pontifical Academy for Life said Saturday that Catholic politicians should not promote or endorse legal protections of any kind for abortion, and called Catholics to promote the Gospel of Life. “The Church is very clear in …
Pelosi says ban on federal abortion funding will be dropped next year

CNA Staff, Aug 31, 2020 / 11:00 am MT (CNA).- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has signaled that a prohibition on federal funding for abortion will be excluded from spending bills next year if Democrats retain a majority in the House of Representatives, setting the state for the end of a …
Boston Catholic priest apologizes for ‘right to choose’ statements

by Christine Rousselle Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Aug 28, 2020 / 10:30 am MT (CNA).- A Boston priest has apologized for a social media post in which he said he believes in the “right to choose” and endorsed former vice president Joe Biden. The post, made Sunday, received widespread media attention …
Boston cardinal: Catholics have ‘right’ to clarity, after priest supports ‘right to choose’

by Christine Rousselle Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Aug 27, 2020 / 02:26 pm MT (CNA).- The Church’s teachings on the sanctity of life are of preeminent priority, the Archbishop of Boston said on Thursday, August 26. Cardinal Sean O’Malley, OFM, Cap., said that Catholics have “the right to expect the priests …
Planned Parenthood drops suit challenging Indiana ultrasound requirement

CNA Staff, Aug 22, 2020 / 03:29 pm MT (CNA).- Planned Parenthood has agreed to drop a lawsuit against an Indiana law requiring an ultrasound for women prior to having an abortion. “Due to events that have occurred in the more than three years since this court entered the preliminary …