Posts Tagged
A Question of Faith
Question of Faith: Do we still believe in “limbo”?

Question of Faith Q: Back in the day, we were taught there was a “limbo” where infants went if they died before baptism. Does the church still teach that? A: As you mentioned, limbo, from the Latin word for “border,” was a theological hypothesis to explain the fate of unbaptized …
Father Dave Endres for November: Can a soul in hell enter heaven?

Q: The Catechism defines hell as “eternal separation from God” (1035). However, it says that at the last judgment “before [Jesus] will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate them one from another. . . And [some] will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life” …
A question of Faith: Why did Christ wait so long?

Q: Why did Christ wait until approximately 2,017 years ago to appear on Earth when man (Homo sapiens) is about 200,000 years old? A: Theologians call this theological issue the “scandal of the particular.” Which is to say, Why did God reveal Himself in Jesus in a particular time and …
Fr. Endres A Question of Faith: Who can serve as ministers in the liturgy?

Q: I recently became aware that not all parishes or even dioceses have women serving as ministers within the liturgy. What is the church’s teaching on women lectors, acolytes (servers), and extraordinary ministers of holy Communion? A: Those who assist at the liturgy, whether as lectors, servers, or ministers of …
Fr. Endres A Question of Faith: Burial or Cremation?

Q: I am making my final arrangements and have been trying you decide between traditional burial and cremation. I have some concerns about cremation from a religious point of view, although it is the best financial option. Does the Church have a preference between burial and cremation? A: The Church …
Fr. Endres A Question of Faith: Eye has not seen: Heaven an unending experience of God

Q: I have been told that heaven will be a place of complete joy with no pain, anxiety or sense of loss. Knowing that all of my family and friends might not attain heaven, how will I (presuming I am in heaven) not feel a sense of loss knowing that …
Fr. Endres Question of Faith – How do we receive His Body and Blood?

By Father David Endres Q: I received the Eucharist under both forms – the host and from the chalice – for the first time recently and I felt Christ in my heart as never before. I thought it was because I was receiving the Precious Blood and not just the …
Fr. David Endres – Question of Faith Are statues “graven images”?

Q: One of the most difficult things to explain to my non-Catholic friends is why we decorate our churches with statues. They say they are graven image, and some even reject statue art in museums and engravings on coins. They are especially critical of the crucifix. How can I respond? …
A Question of Faith: What are the consequences of Adam and Eve’s sin?

By Father David Endres Q: In Genesis 3, it is recorded that Adam and Eve ate from the tree of which God forbid them to eat from, but Eve ate first, inviting Adam to do the same. What if Eve was the only one to eat the fruit – the …
A Question of Faith: Fr. Endres discusses Baptism

My son has two children, ages two and four. He does not seem interested in having them baptized. Can I baptize them myself? As the number of Americans who no longer identify with any religion increases, frequently the children of baptized Catholics go without the sacrament of baptism. Many dioceses …