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A Question of Faith

Question: Why do Catholics care about the difference between a natural and a Sacramental Marriage? Answer: With all the confusion these days about what constitutes a marriage, it’s no wonder that there is further puzzlement when we speak of marriages as sacramental.

Dear Father: I was wondering about your June answer in the Telegraph concerning the church’s position on capital punishment. Primarily my question is on the Baltimore Catechism, which I studied under the good sisters, and the quotations you spelled out in your article, among other things. Are these the same? …

Dear Father: My faith is challenged. I have heard Church teaching on the death penalty but struggle to believe that some don’t deserve it. Shouldn’t someone like Dr. Kermit Gosnell receive the death penalty? Dear Reader: Our faith is sometimes challenged in the face of unspeakable crimes against humanity like …

From the May 2013 print edition of The Catholic Telegraph Dear Father:  I am frightened by what I am seeing now as a surge in our country toward acceptance of homosexuality and gay marriage.  Many among us are unable to see and explain why this is wrong.  Could you please …

Question of Faith is a Q&A column by Father Earl Fernandes A reader asks: Dear Father: “Will the new Pope make changes in Church teaching because he’s a Jesuit and Jesuits tend to be more liberal? Will I have to take three steps to the left?” Dear reader: Catholics should give …

Question of Faith is a Q&A column by Father Earl Fernandes A reader asks: “I would like to find out how I can get back to good graces in the church and receive Communion. I have been divorced twice. The first marriage was in the church and ended in divorce. …

It is dangerous when beginning something new, such as this column, to enter an area as controversial as the sacred liturgy. I received the following question from a man from Dayton: “The Eucharist is about intimacy with Christ. Would our hearts minds and souls be better served if music ministries …