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A Question of Faith
Q&A: How many times did Christ rise?
Dear Father: Year after year and month after month, I have been wondering why does the creed we recite during Sunday Mass state that Christ “rose again?” When was the first time He rose? I checked my Lithuanian creed interpretation and it does not state “He rose again.” In Lithuanian, …
Q&A: What does the church teach about Reiki?
Dear Father: What does the Church teach about Reiki? Why do people turn to these types of things instead of Jesus or the saints? Dear Reader: Thank you for your question.Some years ago, I was in the Metaphysics section of a bookstore. I was edified thinking that a mainstream bookstore …
Q&A: You may stand or kneel to receive communion
Dear Father: I’m a “southerner” as far as the Archdiocese of Cincinnati is concerned and at a recent visit to a northern area parish I observed an unfamiliar custom. The faithful receiving communion often knelt before the priest and received on the tongue. What does the church say about this …
Special intention Mass offerings covered by Canon Law
Dear Father: How is a priest to handle a request for a Mass to be said for an intention from a lay person? I understand a donation is not necessary but usually accepted. Is it covered in the Catechism? Dear Reader: The Code of Canon Law answers your question, especially …
Q&A: Judgment at life’s end is not something to fear
Dear Father: I have been staring at a poster of the Last Judgment from the Sistine Chapel. I began to think about the judgment on my soul, but then I got a little confused. Will I be judged immediately when I die or only at the end of time?
What does the church teach about using technology?
Dear Father: Am I crazy? I mean, my friends think I’m crazy because I won’t let my kids have a phone or an iPad. I want them to run around and play and not look at a screen all the time. People look at me as if I’m crazy. What …
Did Pope Francis change church teaching on homosexuality?
Dear Father: I keep hearing that Pope Francis changed Church teaching on homosexuality with his question, “Who am I to judge?” Is that true? Dear Reader: Pope Francis did not change church teaching [cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church (2357-2359].
Q&A: Is it permissible to dip the Host into the Precious Blood?
Dear Father: Recently, I have observed a parishioner receiving the Eucharist by dipping the Sacred Host into the Precious Blood and then consuming it. I have always been under the impression that this is not permissible. Can someone receive Communion this way? Dear Reader: Thank you for your question. You …
Q&A: Has the church been clear on embryonic stem cells?
Dear Father: In the past my husband and I have donated to various organizations, only to learn that they use donations for embryonic stem cell research. While they do much good, they still support this practice. We have stopped giving, but I also know a lot of Catholics who donate …
What’s the difference between a sacramental and natural marriage?
Question: Why do Catholics care about the difference between a natural and a Sacramental Marriage? Answer: With all the confusion these days about what constitutes a marriage, it’s no wonder that there is further puzzlement when we speak of marriages as sacramental.