Posts Tagged
A picture says a thousand words
A picture says a thousand words: High School Theatre

Throughout the spring there were many theatre productions in Archdiocese of Cincinnati School’s. Here’s a peak at some of them
A picture says a thousand words: Badin students host Grandparents Day

Students at Badin High School in Hamilton hosted the annual Grandparents Day
A picture says a thousand words: Mercy Students Visit McAuley

Mother of Mercy Sophomore’s visited McAuley High School.
A picture says a thousand words: Looking back at St. Patrick’s Day

Friday was St. Patrick’s Day and here’s a peak at some activities in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.
A picture says a thousand words: Men of Moeller Mom Prom

It was high stakes for the 2017 Mom Prom at Moeller High School. Here are some pictures from the event.
A picture says a thousand words: St. Maximilian Children’s Choir

On Saturday, March 4th, 14 students from St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish in Liberty Township, Children’s Choir participated in the Southwest Ohio Chapter of Chorister’s Guild’s 31st Annual ChoralFest, at Sycamore Presbyterian.
A picture says a thousand words: some champions from around the Archdiocese

Here’s a few Champions or teams that have advanced as the winter sports season comes to a conclusion.
A picture says a thousand words: McNicholas Students giving back

A group of Archbishop McNicholas High School seniors returned from the spring Appalachia trip to Grainger County, Tennessee, site of the Glenmary Home Missioners Group Volunteer Program (, after a week of service and community-building.
A picture says A thousand words: St. Ignatius Students mix it up

On Tuesday February 28th, students from St. Ignatius School in Cincinnati took part in a “challenge by choice” activity called “Mix It Up at Lunch” which is part of a National Campaign started by Teaching Tolerance in 2002. Students were encouraged to eat lunch with peers they may not typically …
A picture says a thousand words: Regnum Christi welcomes Fr. Lucio Boccacci

The first Mass of Fr. Lucio Boccacci was held on January 21st at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center.