Posts Tagged
A picture says a thousand words
A picture says a thousand words: Seminary Snowman

Over the weekend, Scott Brand, Diocese of Youngstown, put his creative talents to good use building snowmen at Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary
A picture says a thousand words: Taking the plunge for Christ at minus 4 degrees

Temperatures were -4 on New Year’s Morning 2018. Many activities were cancelled because of the cold. Many put some logs on the fire, drank some hot beverage and made New Year’s Day, a day to stay in. Not Father Ethan Moore. As is a tradition in Fort Loramie, after the …
Photo Essay: Awaiting on the Fourth Sunday of Advent

I will raise up your heir after you, sprung from your loins, and I will make his kingdom firm. (2 SM 7) Temperatures dropped in the Ohio Valley as churches awaited the Fourth Sunday of Advent and the Glorious Christmas Season O Come O Come Emmanuel at Guardian Angels Parish …
A picture says a thousand words: The Joy of Giving

Each year the Archdiocese of Cincinnati has a toy drive for children from newborn through 12 years old. In today’s A picture says a thousand words, a look at the Joy of Giving. Many toys were in other offices in boxes and bags. Tis the Season of Joy!
A picture says a thousand words: Joy at the University of Dayton

As a beautiful sunset occurred at the University of Dayton, the great spirit of Joy could be found on campus for the annual “Christmas at UD.”
A picture says a thousand words: Cities for Life against the Death Penalty

On Thursday, November 30th the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains was illuminated in purple (a sign of mourning) as part of the global “Cities for Life against the Death Penalty” movement.
A picture says a thousand words: Blessed Solanus

John Leyendecker, who runs the School of Faith, shared with The Catholic Telegraph some photos of the Mass for Blessed Solanus in Detroit Michigan. For the story on the Beatification of Father Solanus Casey, click here
A picture says a thousand words, celebrating National Black Catholic History

On Sunday, November 12, 2017 an overflow of the faithful at the University of Dayton’s Immaculate Conception Chapel celebrated Mass commemorating National Black Catholic History Month.
A picture says a thousand words: Statewide Day of Adoration for Vocations

After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others whom he sent ahead of him in pairs to every town and place he intended to visit. He said to them, “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his …