Posts Tagged
A picture says a thousand words
A Picture says a thousand words: Seton Dance Team Medals at Nationals

The Seton’s Varsity and JV Dance Teams double medaled at the 2019 UDA National Championship in Orlando, Florida – Varsity placed 2nd in Small Pom and 2nd in Small Hip Hop, and JV placed FIRST in the JV division for Small Pom and 3rd for Small Hip Hop!
A picture says a thousand words: Seton Elder Performing Arts Series

The reviews are in and another hit weekend for the Seton Elder Performing Arts Series Music of the Christmas Season. Outstanding performances were given by the Elder Concert Band, Elder Vocal Ensemble, National Champion Seton Highlighters Dance Team, Seton-Elder Show Choir, ACA Saints, Seton Concert Choir, Elder Stage Band, Seton …
A picture says a thousand words: Maria Stein Shrine St. Nicholas Coloring Contest

Maria Stein Shrine announced that they received nearly 400 entries in their coloring contest! Last year they received 161. The winners are listed below. They gave out two prizes per age due to the overwhelming response received (a children’s nativity set). Every coloring page we received is currently on display …
A picture says a thousand words: St. Vincent de Paul annual RetroFittings

St. Vincent de Paul hosted their 16th annual RetroFittings on October 18, 2018: a fashion show that featured the designs of University of Cincinnati’s Design, Architecture, Art and Planning (DAAP) program! Students from DAAP shop in any of the seven St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Stores with a budget of …
A picture says a thousand words: Blessing of the new Columbaria within the Veteran section at Gate of Heaven Cemetery

Richard Kelly, archdiocesan CFO, (center, saluting) and Bishop Joseph Binzer attended a flag raising ceremony at Gate of Heaven Cemetery Sep. 4. The ceremony and blessing of the new columbaria within the Veteran section at Gate of Heaven Cemetery. Bugler, Larry DuPree, played “To the Colors” as the American …
A picture says a thousand words: Badin Homecoming Court

The king and queen will be crowned Friday night, Sept. 28, at halftime of the Rams’ Homecoming football game against Dayton Carroll at Virgil Schwarm Stadium in Hamilton. Kickoff is at 7 p.m. A Homecoming parade will precede the game, departing from the Hamilton Freshman School at 6 p.m. Badin’s …
A picture says a thousand words: Day to Dream at St. Vincent dePaul

Each year, Greater Cincinnati children received a new bed of their own at the Day to Dream event at St. Vincent de Paul.
A picture says a thousand words: Our Lady of Fatima Shrine Russells Point Ohio.

On Saturday August 11, Bishop Joseph Binzer said Mass at the Our Lady of Fatima Shrine in Russells Point on the shore of Indian Lake. Here’s a look at the day in pictures: “O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell and lead …
A Picture Says a Thousand Words: Steubenville Youth Conference

Every year, some 1,200 young people from the archdiocese attend one of Franciscan University of Steubenville’s famous youth conferences. This year the Office of Youth Evangelization and Discipleship worked to get as many youth groups there as possible for the conference the weekend of July 14, when Archbishop Dennis M. …
A picture says a thousand words: Sportsleader Rosary Rally at St. Gertrude

On Thursday, July 19, members of football teams in the area participated in the annual SportsLeader Rosary Rally before two-a-days begin. Normally held at The Athenaeum of Ohio, this year the rally was held at St. Gertrude Church in Madeira as construction continues at the seminary.