Posts Tagged
A picture says a thousand words
A picture says a thousand words: Santa and Safety

Our Lady of Lourdes K-2 Students had a surprise visit from Santa! Santa talked to the students about safety and then had a Christmas sing-along with the students! The CIncinnati Police provided the visit from Santa and gave special treat bags for all of the students!
A picture says a thousand words: Andrew Adam headed to the Tournament of Roses Parade

Bishop Fenwick sophomore musical standout, Andrew Adam will be marching with the Bands of America National Honor Band in the Tournament of Roses Parade on January 2, 2017 in Pasadena, California. This special opportunity was earned last spring when Andrew, as just a freshman, auditioned against thousands of other musicians …
A picture says a thousand words: Jacob Kroger to be in Tournament of Roses Parade

La Salle Senior Jake Kroger has been selected to participate in the Touornament of Roses Honor Band. He is one of 300 high school students from across the country who will be participating in the Honor Band. Jake will be traveling out to Pasadena, CA in late December to spend …
A picture says a thousand words: UC Bearcat visits St. James 3rd Graders

St. James the Greater Third graders in White Oak enjoyed some time with the University of Cincinnati Bearcat on the basketball court
A picture says a thousand words: Welcome!

Meet Samuel & his family of 12. They’re Congolese but have been living in a refugee camp since 2004. After a 24-hour flight, they arrived safely to Cincinnati today and enjoyed a hot meal of familiar food at Catholic Charities before heading to their new home. Thanks to the more …
A picture says a thousand words: Badin Canned Food Drive

Badin High School students recently helped load the truck with more than 6,500 canned goods headed for St. Raphael’s food bank for the holiday season. Badin averaged more than 10 cans per student, with the sophomores leading the way with 2,048 canned goods donated. Assisting with the load effort were, …
A picture says a thousand words: LaSalle Cheerleaders with Down Syndrome Association

The La Salle Cheerleaders were privileged to work with the Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati Cheerleaders. They will perform with the La Salle Cheerleaders at Halftime of an upcoming La Salle Basketball game and will be their 2nd performance at Bill Cady Court.
A picture says a thousand words: Holy Name Procession

Holy Name Procession through Over The Rhine, October 2016.
A picture says a thousand words: Celebrating St. Columban’s 90th year

St. Columban School celebrated 90 years of education in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.
A picture says a thousand words: Rosary Rally 2016

Hundreds gathered on Fountain Square for the annual Fatima Rosary Crusade. Below are scenes from rally: