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A Closer Look
Building Habits of Virtue During Lent

Lent is a season of moral and spiritual growth. For some, the principal approach is to deprive oneself of non-essential goods; we give up some pleasure or luxury. Others observe Lent by performing spiritual or corporal works of mercy; we add some activity or assume some burden. And, of course, …
Finding Truth in Fiction: The Importance of Literature for Life

In August 2024, Pope Francis promulgated his Letter on the Role of Literature in Formation. He explains that he wrote the letter to promote “the value of reading novels and poems as part of one’s path to personal maturity.” Reading fiction, the Holy Father argues, “can help us weather the …
What Did Cain Say to Abel?

The story of Cain and Abel is among the more famous episodes in the Bible. We are all acquainted with this account of the first murder—indeed, the first fratricide—by which the bonds of brotherly love and responsibility were torn asunder. What we do not know, however, is what Cain said …
Summoned to Love with W.H. Auden’s “For the Time Being”

Among the rich and wonderful mysteries of the Incarnation is the intersection of time by eternity. Or perhaps the better formulation is that the Incarnation introduces a different kind of time from the chronological time by which we order our hours, days, weeks, months and years. This everyday account of …
Render to Caesar, But to God First

Among the more puzzling scenes in Sacred Scripture are the Caesar’s coin passages in the synoptic Gospels. Read in isolation, Jesus’ somewhat cryptic interaction with his inquisitors is difficult to understand. But when read in the context of St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans and through the lens of the …
Where Does the Catholic Voter Turn When Neither Major Party Respects Life?

While respect for human life must not be limited to a single issue (about which I say more below), the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) reminds us in “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship” that abortion is the foremost consideration. Throughout the 2020 presidential election, it was easy for …
We Care for Creation Because Creation Cares for Us

The theme of this issue of The Catholic Telegraph is “Care for Creation.” For this column, however, I’m changing the preposition and writing about “Care of Creation” to preserve the notion that we are mandated to care for creation—to cultivate, judiciously utilize and preserve natural resources. But by changing the …
Back to School Should be a Time of Joy, Not Fear

August begins the annual ritual of children dragging their parents to the shopping mall for new clothes, backpacks and sneakers, in preparation for their return to classrooms, playgrounds and athletics fields. The nervous anticipation of going “back to school” is as common to the American experience of growing up as …
Back to Seminary with the New Program for Priestly Formation

Catholic diocesan seminarians head back to campuses and classrooms in August. In some ways, they will have experiences similar to most—days busy with reading texts, attending lectures, writing papers and enjoying extracurricular activities. Additionally, Catholic seminarians are in the process of formation, as men who will serve God by serving …
Why the Church Must Be a Perpetual Pilgrim

The National Eucharistic Pilgrimage is an encouraging milestone in the midst of the three-year National Eucharistic Revival. Roughly forming a cross between the four corners of the U.S., the processions witness to Christ’s life-changing presence in the world. Pilgrims from the four routes will converge in Indianapolis on July 16 …