Posts Tagged
A Question of Faith
A Question of Faith: Perspectives on the Magi

Can you help me understand the timing and place of the Magi’s visit? We are told Joseph started the flight into Egypt after the birth of Jesus. But we also know that Jesus was presented to God in the Temple at Jerusalem. When did the Magi come and where? Your …
Question of Faith: Life after death?

When did the belief in heaven and hell originate among Christians? I have heard that Jewish believers, some early Christians, and even possibly Jesus did not believe in an afterlife. Most Christians would probably be surprised to know of the diversity of Judeo-Christian beliefs about the world to come. The …

A long time ago, as a young person, I played with tarot cards and a Ouija board. These always seemed to me to be just entertainment, but now I understand the Church believes these can be dangerous. Why is this? In an increasingly secular society, we can easily fail to …
Question of Faith: In what cases can someone be denied communion?

I have heard it is possible for someone who wishes to receive communion at Mass to be denied. In what cases can someone be denied communion? Is this different from being “excommunicated”? When Catholics approach to receive communion, it is presumed that they are in a proper state to receive. …
A Question of Faith: What Makes a University Catholic

Question: I sometimes hear of Catholic colleges and universities honoring individuals who challenge the teachings of the Church. What makes a university “Catholic”? Can such a designation be taken away? Answer: The university system began during the Middle Ages when the Church and society were closely intertwined. As the Church …
A Question of Faith: Why are the Saints named in the Mass?

One of the Eucharistic Prayers has a long list of saint names. What is the history of this prayer and why does it name so many saints? The Eucharistic Prayer with the lengthy list of saints is known as the First Eucharistic Prayer. Also called the Roman Canon because of …
Question of Faith: How did the Church respond to Past Pandemics?

The Church, like humankind in general, has faced challenges posed by disease. And where there has been suffering, Christians have responded, seeking to overcome fear and self-interest to offer spiritual, physical and material support. COMMITMENT TO CHARITY Based on Jesus’ words and example, the first Christians shared their resources to …
Question of Faith: What is Spiritual Communion?

Q: Since public Masses have been canceled, a friend encouraged me to practice “spiritual communion.” I wasn’t sure what that meant. Can you explain? A. The practice of “spiritual communion,” as a means of drawing close to Jesus even when we cannot receive the Eucharist, has deep roots in the …
Question of Faith: Friends with Dishonest Wealth?

In the parable of the dishonest steward, what does Jesus mean when he says, “make friends with dishonest wealth” (Luke 16:9)? The parable of the dishonest steward remains one of the most puzzling passages in the New Testament. Thankfully, the Church can help us understand it. Dei Verbum, a document …
Question of Faith: Catholic Masons?

Question: I know of Freemasons who are also practicing Catholics. I always thought that this was forbidden, but I was told that these men had permission from their pastors to join. Is it permissible for a Catholic to become a Mason? Is this addressed in canon law? Answer: The Church …