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A Question of Faith
Age for Receiving Sacraments
How is it decided what is the proper age for receiving Holy Communion and Confirmation? Why do some parishes offer the sacraments at different ages? The age considered proper for sacramental reception has changed over time. In the early Church, the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion) were …
Papal Infallibility
What does it mean to say the pope is infallible? Can any human truly be infallible? The doctrine of papal infallibility is rooted in the belief that the pope, as the Bishop of Rome and the spiritual leader of the Catholic Church, has been given a unique role by Jesus …
The Sign of the Cross
What is the origin and meaning of the Sign of the Cross? The holiest of signs is the Sign of the Cross. As Catholics, we make it so often that perhaps we take it for granted. It is a profound and powerful act that invokes the Trinity, Jesus’ crucifixion, and …
Before Christ
What does the Church believe happened to the souls of those who lived before Christ? Many presume that those souls who lived before Jesus had no opportunity to attain heaven, but the Catholic Church teaches that salvation is a gift from God offered to all people. Those who lived before …
Saintly Intercession
Can we ask for the intercession of our deceased relatives and friends, or is such prayer proper only to canonized saints? When we think of prayers and the deceased, we likely think of praying for our deceased family members and friends. But is it possible to pray to the dead …
Satan and the Devil
Do Catholics believe in the existence of Satan? Is Satan the same as the devil? A significant number of Christians do not believe in Satan. They consider him representative of evil, but not an active being. Yet the Catholic tradition has long acknowledged the existence of Satan and associated with …
Eucharistic Miracles
What are Eucharistic miracles? Do they still occur? Eucharistic miracles are extraordinary events that confirm the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Though rare, they have occurred in various places and times in history. The Church, through the local bishop, may investigate and ultimately approve them, but there is …
Anointing of the Sick and Last Rites
A friend of mine recently received “last rites.” Is there a difference between the anointing of the sick and last rites? The terms “anointing of the sick” and “last rites” are often used synonymously; however, they are not the same. Last rites, as the name suggests, is a final preparation …
Care for Creation
What is the Church’s perspective on caring for the earth? The Church’s social teaching includes the principle that humans are called to be stewards of creation. This is rooted in an understanding found in the Book of Genesis that everything God creates is good. Our stewardship is a participation in …
Peter as Pope?
Why is St. Peter considered the first pope? The apostle Peter has long been recognized in Catholic tradition as the first pope, having been given a unique leadership role by Christ himself. It is believed that after the resurrection of Jesus, Peter traveled to Rome where he became the local …