Posts Tagged
2023 synod on synodality
Vatican official says Church should allow married priests

By Courtney Mares Vatican City, Jan 8, 2024 / 12:13 pm A Vatican official has said that he thinks the Catholic Church’s priestly celibacy requirement in the Latin rite should be revised. Archbishop Charles Scicluna, who serves as the archbishop of Malta and is an assistant secretary at the Vatican’s Dicastery …
Pope Francis reportedly takes Vatican apartment, salary from Cardinal Burke

By Jonathan Liedl Vatican City, Nov 28, 2023 / 13:34 pm Pope Francis has stripped one of his top American critics, Cardinal Raymond Burke, of his Vatican housing and salary privileges, the Associated Press is reporting. According to the AP report, which is based on conversations with two anonymous sources briefed …
Bishop Barron in ‘frank disagreement’ with Synod on Synodality’s report on ‘development of moral teaching’

By Courtney Mares Rome Newsroom, Nov 24, 2023 / 11:45 am Bishop Robert Barron has said that he is in “frank disagreement” with the final report of the Synod on Synodality’s claim that advances in the sciences require an evolution in the Church’s moral teaching on human sexuality. In a reflection published this …
What does the Synod on Synodality document say about ‘controversial’ issues?

By Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Oct 28, 2023 / 18:30 pm The Synod on Synodality, the monthlong assembly convened by Pope Francis at the Vatican, released its final document containing the discussion of several hot-button issues which it calls “controversial”: the idea of women deacons, optional priestly celibacy, and the accompaniment …
Synod on Synodality 2023: Final report calls for greater ‘co-responsibility’ in Church

By Jonathan Liedl Vatican City, Oct 28, 2023 / 19:04 pm The Vatican’s nearly monthlong Synod on Synodality assembly, convened by Pope Francis, concluded this evening with members approving an ambitious text calling for greater “co-responsibility” among all believers in the evangelizing mission of the Church — and proposing concrete reforms …
Synod on Synodality members ask ‘for greater discernment’ of Church teaching on sexuality

By Jonathan Liedl Vatican City, Oct 11, 2023 / 15:40 pm Participants in the Synod on Synodality have asked “for greater discernment on the teaching of the Church on the subject of sexuality,” a Vatican spokesman said at a press briefing today. The revelation seems to be at odds with synod …
Synod on Synodality 2023: Facts, anecdotes, and analysis from the first week

By Andrea Gagliarducci Vatican City, Oct 6, 2023 / 11:35 am As the Synod on Synodality commences in Rome amid numerous open questions, one key answer was provided this week with the publication of the rules of engagement for the approximately 450 participants of the gathering in Rome. The regulations for …
Pope Francis: Synod on Synodality’s primary task ‘to refocus our gaze on God’

By Courtney Mares Vatican City, Oct 4, 2023 / 04:15 am Pope Francis opened the Synod on Synodality’s three-week assembly on Wednesday with a call to remember that the Church exists to bring Jesus to the world and should face today’s challenges with a gaze fixed on God rather than “political …
Pope Francis Prayer Intention for October 2023

For the Synod We pray for the Church, that she may adopt listening and dialogue as a lifestyle at every level, and allow herself to be guided by the Holy Spirit towards the peripheries of the world.
Synodality, Sensus Fidei & Development of Doctrine

Beginning on October 4, 2023, two years after launching a process known as the “Synod on Synodality,” bishops, theologians and other participants will assemble at the Vatican for the first session of “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission.” My optimism for the Synod’s success is persistent, albeit guarded. …